September 21, 2007

Zapatista Bases Fear a Violent Evacuation by Members of the UES and Police

"Autonomous Municipality of San Pedro de Michoacán, Chiapas. September 17, 2007: If what the Union of Forest Landownders (UES, in its Spanish initials) has been saying in their coming and going from Cruz del Rosario and Nuevo Momón to the settlement of Nuevo Gracias a Dios (recently built on lands that support bases of the EZLN from the town of 24 de Diciembre recently regained) is true, this coming October 8 they will start the evacuation of the Zapatista community, with support, they say, of the sector police, who has been camping on the opposite end of the Zapatista grounds. The Good Government Council (Junta de Buen Gobierno, JBG) of Hacia La Esperanza has documented that this group of people is “buying high powered weapons.” In declarations made to La Jornada, the JBG said: “It looks like some have even sold lands to buy their weapons. And they pass them right in front of the soldiers there at the crossroads, to take the into their new town.” It is worth mentioning that this town was founded with the protection of the Mexican Army, who has an operations base almost right next to the settlement. “We think there is complicity,” the JBG continues. “And we denounce that they are preparing violent actions aimed against our compañeros.”"

posted by Angryindian


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