March 07, 2006

Chomsky at BU Saturday the 4th

Chomsky also talked at length about the increasing integrations of Asian and Latin American countries, which he said could mean that the US would lose control over its oil resources. He cited Venezuela’s oil dealings with China and its purchase of Argentina’s debt as recent examples of how many countries are trying to “reduce … dependence on the hostile American government.”

“Latin America is moving toward closer integration outside of Washington,” he said.

Chomsky also spoke about the recent presidential elections in Bolivia, in which Evo Morales, who firmly supports the increase of coca production, was democratically elected.

“There’s no reason why the United States cannot be as democratic as the poorest country in South America,” Chomsky said.
During the question and answer section, Chomsky was asked what undergraduate students could do to make a difference in society. In response, Chomsky again cited the Bolivian elections.

“The Bolivian peasants don’t ask, ‘What can I do?’ They go ahead and do it.”


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