March 06, 2006

Sabotage, infiltration and wrong decisions ... Venezuela's house needs cleaning

by Eva Golinger
While in Washington they elaborate and refine the Asymmetric War Doctrine against Venezuela, here in Venezuela, infiltration and sabotage within the revolution increases.

US Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte ... chief expert in dirty war tactics ... steps up his hostile discourse toward President Chavez, declaring him to be “a radical populist figure… who shows little respect for democratic institutions…[and who] represses the opposition and freedom of the press …”

War hawk Negroponte also referred (for the second time), to the “strong” military and diplomatic relations between Venezuela and Iran and North Korea ... two countries declared enemies of the United States of America.

Last week, the good work of the new DISIP (security police) resulted in the seizure of 2.2 kilos (4.85 pounds) of C-4 explosives, ten electronic detonators and four fragmentary grenades in San Felipe (Yaracuy State), and to the detention of three Yaracuy police officers and one active service National Guard.

* The director of the DISIP, General Henry Rangel, said that this amount of explosives is sufficient to destroy a building of more than 20 floors.

Reliable resources warn that in this election year, the sectors that still do not accept the will of the majority in Venezuela are planning violent and destabilizing acts. There are hundreds of paramilitaries clandestinely crossing the Colombian border in Tachira and Zulia who then facilitate the smuggling in of arms and explosives ... many of which can already be found in the metropolitan zone.

Be warned that they are planning coordinated actions with their Venezuelan counterparts for the coming months of March, April, May and June.

Recently, a US camera team interviewed me for a documentary about US intervention in Latin America. This person told me that in an interview given by a US Special Forces military officer, the officer had admitted that there are already several “command and control” operations being carried out (with Colombian paramilitary forces) inside Venezuela. These operations ... kidnappings, assassinations, drug and arms trafficking ... are ordered and controlled by US Special Forces but carried out by their Colombian subordinates.

Recently, the self-proclaimed author of the “guarimbas,” Robert Alonso, once again began calling for the overthrow of the Venezuelan government, revealing that they have “international council.” From his hideout in sunny Miami, together with the growing community of coup plotters, terrorists and assassins protected by the Bush government, Alonso admitted that “…behind me...or, we should say: in my group, there are people very specialized in this area and we have, in addition, the council of international individuals who have dedicated years to studying public behavior, as political scientists and sociologists. I can tell you that one of them, Dr. Gene Sharp ... who I have referred to many times ... is a specialist in this area. I don’t think there is even one Venezuelan who can debate Dr. Gene Sharp on the subject of Civil Resistence. Let’s be clear! The rest is secret. But, I stress that not all of the military is with the (Chavez) regime, nor are they all part of that political party ... every day they catch officers involved in ‘something!’ They put them in prison, they give them long sentences.”

Like a good investigator, I checked into this Dr. Sharp and found something very interesting ... Sharp is an expert in what is called “non-violent action” and operates from a US entity called the “Albert Einstein Institution.”

With such a noble name one expects an equally respectable mission. And it could be that, as in the case with other international institutions that meddle in Venezuela’s internal affairs and try to impose their agendas, Dr. Sharp and his institute have made a mistake in the case of Venezuela.

But unfortunately, what I discovered is alarming.

In it’s 'Report on Activities 2000-2004,' the institute alleges that in Venezuela “…the regime has become increasingly more authoritarian despite having been democratically elected. Soon after coming into office, Chavez drafted a new constitution that significantly increased the powers of the presidency. Chavez’ popularity began to wane in December 2001 when he announced by decree a set of 49 new laws affecting industries including banking, agriculture and oil. People reacted by taking to the streets… The government responded with violent repression against the protesters. In this climate, the opposition has had difficulty mobilizing. Venezuelan society is extremely polarized as a result and poised for the potential outbreak of violence.

Venezuelans opposed to Chavez met with Gene Sharp and other AEI staff to talk about the deteriorating political situation in their country. They also discussed options for opposition groups to further their cause affectively without violence.”

The opposition invited representatives of the institute to Venezuela. “The nine-day consultation was held by Robert Helvey and Chris Miller in Caracas for members of the Venezuelan democratic opposition. The objective was to provide them with the capacity to develop a non-violent strategy to restore democracy in Venezuela.” Ofensiva Ciudadana, a Venezuelan opposition group "…requested and organized a workshop.” with Robert Helvey on “…the theory, applications and planning for a strategic non-violent struggle...”

We can see that their view of what is going on in Venezuela is extremely distorted and even dangerous. Their advisors are even more dangerous. Sr. Robert Helvey is a retired Colonel of the US army. He currently works as a “strategic planning consultant to non-governmental organizations promoting nonviolent political reforms among pro-democracy movements… He has worked in countries such as Burma, Thailand, Tibet, Belarus, Serbia, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. He is a graduate of the US Army Command and General Staff College and of the US Navy War College.” He is a specialist in low intensity conflicts, in dirty war tactics, just like his buddies Negroponte, Rumsfeld, Otto Reich, and all of those who are today surrounding Bush.

The asymmetric war functions in many different ways, some are very difficult to detect or denounce. Using NGOs, civil society organizations and “noble” pretexts is one of the dirtiest strategies of this type of war, because it is more complicated to critique their actions and decide how to neutralize them. The Venezuelan government, as well as the public, have the duty to investigate any exchange with US entities that claim to “promote democracy” in their country. We have been able to prove with undeniable data, that the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) and the USAID (US Agency for International Development) have worked closely with destabilizing groups in the country to destroy the Bolivarian process and depose its leader. Now we have more confirmed information that the “guarimba” was implemented on the “council” of a US institution and a retired US military expert in these operations.

The country has to remain alert in the face of these threats to and violations of its sovereignty. Also the infiltration and sabotage within the sectors that support the government and that want to create a better future for the next generations must be stopped. This means to also struggle fiercely against corruption, not blindly, but intelligently. Those who have the authorization and the power to investigate matters of corruption have the responsibility to not abuse their post.

We cannot allow innocent people to fall due to internal discord, and we cannot sacrifice honest people who are committed to this process. To do otherwise would be to fall into the provocations of the sectors that want to infiltrate and divide this revolution.

The house needs cleaning. But the bad elements need to be thrown out, not the good ones.

Warning! The attacks come from all sides. It is our duty to continue denouncing them and acting to block their objectives. Otherwise we will be accomplices.


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