April 07, 2006

So, before people begin to freak out ... calm down a bit ... breathe deeply...

The sabotage against democracy in Venezuela has begun ... the same tactics which the US government has been using in Iraq ... and the same violence-ridden tactics which the criminal Venezuelan opposition (opposition to Chavez) has used in the past: assassinations!

The timing is perfect to begin creating a situation of social insecurity (and fear) in Venezuela prior to the December 2006 presidential elections ... in a ruthless effort to destabilize the country ... and blame it all on Chavez ... in hope that he will not win the upcoming elections.

* This is now an all out aggression ... a new sabotage of democracy in Venezuela ... perpetrated by the true axis of evil: the US government and the elite-driven violent Venezuelan opposition.

In February, it was reported that three children of a wealthy Venezuelan-Canadian family were kidnapped on their way to school ... in Venezuela. " According to some sources, the kidnappers had demanded a $4.5 million ransom for John Faddoul (17), Kevin Faddoul (13) and Jason Faddoul (12).

The bodies have been found ... they were apparently murdered, and very violently at that.

The news has left Venezuelans aghast ... because this type of event is quite rare in Venezuela (children being involved). It does happen (without children being involved) on a regular basis in Venezuela but such events are usually related to family feuds or settling of accounts.

Even if Venezuelans know this, the heartless opposition has used this very sad event to bolster themselves at the expense of the suffering of the families that lost their children:

"Hard-line opposition groups are attempting to cash in on the tragedy organizing a sympathy vigil outside the boy's home but the family has asked that they be left in peace. Meanwhile, Primero Justicia has taken the lead, organizing a protest outside the MIJ Ministry, arguing that they do not aim to make political capital out of the current state of personal insecurity and want the government to declare a national emergency."

This is typical of the Venezuelan opposition and inhuman to say the least. They should be ashamed of themselves ... but they aren't capable ... and Jesus Romero seems to be one of these. He is also taking this tragic event and using it to his twisted advantage.

I don't think it is coincidence that he writes: "The number one cause of death in Venezuela is MURDER. Over 60,000 unresolved murders since President Chavez was elected into office. 43 murders per day. 342 murders committed in Caracas since January 1, 2006. 40% of total murders have been of men between 15-24 years of age. Many countries warn their citizens of the many dangers involved while traveling to Venezuela. Because of the rampant crime in Venezuela, it has been listed as one of the countries with the highest crime rate in Latin America; Jamaica and Brazil are in the top five. So, over seven years in Chavez’ administration and after billions of dollars of petro-revenues, the crime rate in Venezuela has exploded out of control; a war where the innocent have no one to protect them."

The innocent? What innocent people is he talking about?

Romero gives numbers but does not provide the details which would allow the reader to put things into perspective. Unfortunately I don't have a copy of one of Venezuela's newspapers with me (Ultimas Noticias, I believe), which regularly lists the weekly murders by categories. If I remember correctly, the vast majority of murders are committed by gangs and against gangs ... few innocent people are ever affected. The other two major factors in murders committed in Venezuela are settling of accounts (where no innocent people are involved) and fights over women (again, where no innocent people are involved). Two of my friends in Barlovento (east of Caracas) were murdered ... in both cases in fights over women/lovers.

If I remember correctly less than 5% of the murders committed in Venezuela involve innocent victims ... and almost all of these are related to botched robberies or botched muggings where the victims refuse to collaborate with the armed assailants.

You can ask any honest Venezuelan about this. My percentages might be off, but not far from reality. I have been mugged/robbed in Venezuela 7 times in 28 years ... 5 times by corrupt police forces (extortion) and three times by common thieves ... never once was violence involved, although 6 of the 7 cases involved guns or machine guns (of course, I was happy to collaborate!). One thief even attempted to give me back some of the money he had stolen from me and gave me a big new-year's hug (I was robbed at gun point on January 1, 2001).

* So, before people begin to freak out regarding what Jesus Romero has presented, calm down a bit ... breathe deeply ... it isn't the way he tries to portray it ... and ... "coincidentally" (humph!) he presents this sort of information at the same time period in which it is being reported that the three kidnapped children were violently assassinated.

Typically, if a kidnapped person in Venezuela is assassinated ... there is a reason ... usually a settling of accounts. This may be the case ... but I doubt we will ever know the truth. Such cases are very difficult, if not impossible to solve in Venezuela. People do not talk, even if they know the truth.

And this is what I am getting at ... the tactics which the US government (CIA, FBI, US military, etc.) and the criminal and violent Venezuelan opposition use in order to satisfy their desires ... such as the desire to make sure that Chavez is not re-elected in December.

* First, it is typical in Venezuela that "you do not touch children!" It is a basic rule of Venezuelan society.

* Second, the reported murder rates are often reported (as Jesus Romero did) out of true context with Venezuelan reality. Every Venezuelan can tell you that there is not much chance of being murdered unless you get involved. You may get robbed, but no violence will usually occur in the process if you don't resist.

* Third, why has such a tragic affair occurred now? Why not last year ... or the year before, or before that?

* Fourth, what kind of kidnappers would ask for $4.5 million ... and then assassinate innocent children? I don't think that this has ever happened in the history of Venezuela. The simple fact of asking for $4.5 million shows that is was not a matter of petty kidnapping by petty criminals looking for petty cash. It is a serious matter of highly organized and effective crime. Where did these criminals suddenly come from? If they are so professional and if they do demand so much money ($4.5 million in outrageous by Venezuelan standards), why haven't we heard of them before ... as in having committed other major heists? This kidnapping and its very sad ending does not appear to be Venezuelan-made.

(I am listening to Nicolas Maduro, president of the National Assembly, speaking on VTV while I write ... and he, as most Venezuelans are incensed ... for this type of crime in Venezuela is almost unthinkable. He is vowing to find the criminals who did this. He says that the way the children died was apparently very violent ... which again is extremely rare in Venezuela. He is also aggressively condemning the fact that the Venezuelan opposition is using this event for political reasons. He appears disgusted with the way the Venezuelan opposition is acting. So am I!)

What am I trying to say?

I am proposing that this kidnapping was orchestrated by the CIA and by the Venezuelan elite who lead the violent Venezuelan opposition.

Those psychopaths are capable of anything ... and anything goes when it means finding a way to oust Chavez from power in order to plunder Venezuela and oppress and repress its citizenry. If anything goes, as we are well aware of (look at Iraq), then assassinating a few children is worth it.

* It is also well-known that the elite in Venezuela will typically get rid of anyone who gets in their way by assassinating them. (Example, the assassination of land-reformers ... about 80 since Chavez has been in power.)

I am not trying to be insensitive ... nor am I trying to be like the Venezuelan opposition by using this event as a jumping board for by beliefs. I truly believe that what I am proposing is realistic ... and I have been talking about it for a long time. I have been predicting that the violent Venezuelan opposition (along with the US government) would begin to create situations of chaos and violence starting in the spring of 2006 and intensifying throughout the year.

I don't think it is a coincidence ... and Venezuelan investigators should consider it.

There will other violent, and some very violent events in the coming weeks and months ... and the events will become increasingly violent as presidential elections approach.

We have to remember that it was the violent Venezuelan opposition (with US financing and backing) who perpetrated or who were deeply involved in the following:

* the April 2002 coup against Chavez
* the assassinations of innocent pro-opposition protesters in April 2002
* the violent street demonstrations in December 2002, January, February and March 2003
* the bombings of the Colombian and Spanish embassies/consulates in 2003
* the assassination of government prosecutor, Danilo Anderson
* the assassination of about 80 land reform activists
* the sabotage of PDVSA installations in December 2002

We also know that most of the violent Venezuela opposition was financed by the US government through the NED and USAID.

Is it therefore too much to consider that the US government and its Venezuelan traitors are behind this tragic kidnapping? And perhaps behind the recent assassination of another Venezuelan businessman, Filippo Sindoni?

I don't think so. Look at Iraq.

Who do you think is behind most of the bombings and killings? Iraqis? No, the US government and its bribable psychopathic Iraqi traitors ... that is who. The more violence Iraq can remain in, the more fear the people will have. The more fear the people have, the more they can be manipulated and eventually tamed and trained like obedient animals to fearfully abide by every whim of the ruling elite and the US government.

This is the tactic which is being used.

This is why Nicolas Maduro, as I write, is condemning the fact that the Venezuelan opposition is trying now to instill great fear into the hearts and minds of Venezuelans with this assassination of innocent children. He is telling the people not to fear crime, not to fear criminals ... and not to let themselves become more fearful due to the opposition's present tactics to scare the people out of their wits.

Jesus Romero is no help ... he is doing exactly what the Venezuelan opposition is doing ... using this event to state things like, "...the crime rate in Venezuela has exploded out of control; a war where the innocent have no one to protect them." He also appears to be well-versed in the use of US rhetoric ... "war."


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