March 07, 2006

The US government, the US military and the US media are hiding the truth...

by Oscar Heck
Please allow me to tell you about some personal experiences of war. May I tell you what I think ... what I believe ... and I am not paranoid ... I am being realistic. After what I saw in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia during and after the Gulf War (1991), I began to question the veracity and the intentions of the USA, of its government, its military, its followers and its mainstream media.

I will give you some examples. Some people will hate me for it ... for telling the truth.

I will probably receive death threats again ... as I did in 2002 and 2003 when I was telling the truth about what was going on in Venezuela during the US-financed opposition attempts to get rid of Chavez. My computer will probably be hacked into again ... I have lost three computers in three years to professional hackers which I believe work for the CIA and for the Canadian secret service.

It is dangerous business to tell the truth.

In Kuwait city in January and February 1991 I lived at the International Hotel, across from the US embassy compound, a few blocks from the Corniche (waterfront). My room was on one of the upper floors and it overlooked the embassy compound and the bay, a part of the Persian Gulf. Every day, when I was at the hotel, the shock waves from bombings rattled the large patio windows, the mirrors, the walls and the lamps, and even the bathroom mirror and shower curtain. There was no sound, just a giant pressure wave which felt as if someone slapped you hard in the face in slow motion.

* For people who have never experienced war, this shock wave is a terrifying experience ... it is ominous, disconcerting ... mind-boggling and even nerve-racking.

It is an unnatural experience ... perhaps like the experience of killing another human being. It is frightening and one never forgets it ... even if the shock waves come from bombings which occur miles away, out of sight and sound.

In mid-1991 I lived at the Crown Plaza, near the half-bombed-out airport ... a large, luxurious hotel ... filled with bullet holes. This hotel had apparently been, at some point, the temporary operations base for the Iraqi military during the invasion of Kuwait. Most of the "guests" at the hotel were US military personnel, many of which were awaiting orders (or papers) to go back home. Most of the soldiers were 18, 19, 20, 21 years old ... and most of them came from poor families and/or from small rural towns and villages.

Most of them were also mentally and emotionally devastated: frightened, traumatized, anxious, desperate, crying, disoriented ... like trembling little chicks surrounded by a band of hungry wolves, not knowing where to run or what their fate would hold.

I sang my songs for them on three occasions ... and without exception, they all cried during the performances. Tears in their eyes, many came to me to ask for a copy of the words ... so they could send them to their girlfriends. In the next days I could hear several of them humming my songs in the elevators and hallways of the war-infested hotel. I felt sorry for them ... and they also felt sorry for the condition in which they now found themselves. Most were very angry with the US government and with their military ... for having lied to them ... for having tricked them into believing that Kuwaitis, Saudis and the Iraqi people admired them and appreciated their presence. It wasn't so. The US military was hated by most of the Iraqis and Saudis ... and by some Kuwaitis. They were hated for various reasons which included the generalized vulgarity of the US military personnel and their almost complete disrespect for traditional Bedouin and Islamic traditions. For example, it was highly offensive and insulting to most of the Saudi population to see women soldiers in shorts.

The US military and the US government, in their typical arrogance, couldn't have cared less.

One of the main "jokes" at the time was about the utter stupidity of the US military. They had sent the first troops dressed in typical green fatigues. The tanks were green and their army vehicles were green ... perfect targets in a desert war where there is no greenery whatsoever (apart from very few oasis and vegetable farms here and there). Saudis found it funny ... but the US soldiers certainly didn't. Here was a "great" nation with "great" thinkers and "great" power making a complete fool of itself.

Some of the young soldiers were married and many others had girlfriends (I met no women soldiers) ... and they were all worried about what would happen to them once they returned to their homeland. Would their girlfriends and wives still be there ... would they have slept with others or would they later leave them ... because the war had scarred and changed their relationships forever? What would they do once back home ... what kind of job would they do? Who would hire them? How would they handle reality in the USA after seeing and experiencing the horrors of war, after having shot and killed innocent Iraqi children and old crippled men ... after having spilled innocent blood? How would they face trivialities such as deciding whether to have a Big Mac or a Trio ... or arguing about what television show to watch on Tuesday night ... or what shirt to wear to dinner?

The stories they told me are horrific and highly disturbing ... extremely difficult to write or speak about. However, I will give a few examples ... those that are not so disconcerting or painful.

As the US ground troops traveled from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia into Iraq through the immense desert, many of the soldiers were ordered to shoot (to kill) any non-US, non-ally who carried a weapon ... shoot first and ask questions later. What they were not told by their bosses (who were either completely ignorant or who deliberately hid information from their own soldiers), was that many of the Bedouin men, young and old, traditionally carry weapons as a matter of habit or tradition. In consequence, many naive and innocent US soldiers, simply obeying orders from their criminal, without-conscience, arrogant bosses, shot at, killed or maimed hundreds and perhaps thousands of innocent Iraqi boys and old men. Many of the boys were under ten years of age. It was the soldiers themselves who told me this ... and about how would they could no longer sleep at night thinking of what they had done ... of the crimes they had committed ... and how they felt rage against their own government.

The only television station which we were able to see in Kuwait during a portion of the Gulf War was CNN ... and CNN never, to my knowledge, reported the type of tragedy mentioned above. They portrayed the US military as heroes, tough and honorable, honest and upright ... fighting for freedom and democracy, for liberty and for human rights ... fighting to protect ... to help. In Kuwait, most US soldiers I met were shocked to see what CNN was reporting to Kuwaitis and to the rest of the world. It was utterly disgusting, despicable, inhuman and dishonest. Most of what was being reported were lies.

This is when I began to question US values, intentions and actions. This is when thousands of US soldiers began to question their own government.

Most soldiers are young men ... in the prime of their sexuality ... and the US military knows this. If a young man, say 20 years old, cannot satisfy his biological need for ejaculation, he will become increasingly aggressive. The US government knows this and exploits this aggressivity. (Note that it is not only the US government which uses this tactic. As far as I know, it is used throughout much of the world in matters of war, military, special forces and police training). However, some men, if they do not ejaculate, will, after a few days, begin to experience severe pain in their mid region. Anger, frustration and greater aggressivity sets in and finally, the young man has no choice but to seek a way to masturbate ... in order to relieve the pain. Meanwhile, he has killed innocent people.

Rape and torture can be extensions of this planned reality.

Now, as many of the young soldiers I met recounted ... imagine being on a violence-ridden desert run for two or three weeks, surrounded by other young men in similar conditions, unable to masturbate in peace ... for fear of not knowing when a bomb or a bullet will land on you ... living out of cramped tanks and armored cars ... holding back a number-two bathroom session for days because of fear. Imagine having diarrhea, vomiting, having heat stroke, fever ... under these same desert conditions ... running out of drinking water in 120 degree temperature.

CNN and the US government virtually ignored the mass suffering which their own poorer citizens (the soldiers) were experiencing during "Desert Storm." Furthermore, almost every US soldier that I met had experienced syndromes which have been, to this day, conveniently un-explained by the US mainstream media and by the US government ... the after-effects of using US military radioactive armament ... conveniently called "depleted uranium." The US government has basically been poisoning its own soldiers in the wars in Iraq (the Gulf War and the present war) and in Afghanistan.

The US government, the US military and the US media are hiding the truth.

While they kill innocent women, old men and children in Iraq, they are also killing their own citizens (the US soldiers).

* The reason I bring up the above issues is to emphasize the collusion which exists between the US government, its military and the USA's mainstream media. The three work in close coordination to hide the truth from the general public.

One of the best examples of this is the information which was spread about Iraq and Saddam Hussein (a former US ally!) prior to the invasion. As we know today, there were no WMD, Iraq was never a threat to the USA ... and Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. The next best example may be what happened after the invasion of Iraq and what continues to happen to this day.

The US military was unable to bring down Iraq in one massive attack, as they had originally planned. As the war effort advanced, the US military found itself being attacked from all angles. The Iraqi army then became an un-uniformed army, which made life even more difficult for the US military. They could never win this type of war. This is when the US military began to run into serious problems. The US military found itself in a position of not being able to win the war ... but they had to show that they were winning it.

The US government and the mainstream US media came up with tactics to shift attention from their own violent acts and failures and blame it all on someone else. For Iraq, they came up with words such "insurgents" and "terrorists" and "suicide bombers" and "radical Islamic forces." Suddenly, to deviate attention from the realities of the US military's/government's complete failure in Iraq, "Americans" and "westerners" were being kidnapped. US-occupied buildings began to be bombed and "western" contractors were assassinated. "Christian" missionaries were held captive for ransom.

Coincidence? No.

The US needed to divert attention away from certain realities:

* The US military had basically destroyed Iraq
* The USA was losing the war
* The USA was being increasingly hated by Iraqis
* The "re-construction" of Iraq would be extremely difficult, even impossible

So what did they do? In my view, they organized, along with the CIA and with US-friendly Iraqi traitors and other mercenaries, a series of kidnappings, bombings and attacks on "westerners" in order to portray to the public how truly "evil" Iraqis (Arabs!) and radical Muslims are. The kidnappings, bombings and violence continue to this day ... planned by the USA and perpetrated either by US forces or USA-friendly forces and co-collaborators. This tactic is aimed at increasing the perception of support for the USA (by making others look like the "bad" people) while decreasing support for the Muslim people in general.

I witnessed this type of tactic in Kuwait during the Gulf war, I experienced it first hand. Such tactics are real, very real. I spent some time with an Egyptian special forces person who had been trained by the Mossad (Israeli secret service) and who worked hand in hand with them throughout the middle east. With this person, I also clandestinely met the minister of defense of a Middle Eastern country ... and he also explained how he was involved in behind-the-scenes political assassinations and bombings carried out on behalf of Israel and the US government ... all actions which were coordinated in such a way that the violence was blamed on others, usually radical Islamic groups.

Have you ever wondered why the kidnappers in Iraq wear face masks? Or why we hear about the kidnappings for a while ... then eventually hear nothing more? Why the kidnappings we hear about always put "the enemy" in bad light and the "good guys" in bright light? Why the kidnappings often happen to coincide with periods when the US military needs public attention diverted from their criminal activities in Iraq?

Coincidence? Absolutely not.

Now ... this is what is happening in Venezuela today ... the "war" against Chavez (Venezuelans!) has begun ... as it had begun against Saddam Hussein (Iraqis!). I believe that Iraq is an experiment on which the US government can base future aggressions against non-US-government-friendly governments (nations and peoples!).

In May 2005, only a few weeks prior to the Venezuelan National Assembly elections campaigns (which confirmed a 100% pro-Chavez win in December 2005), Natalee Holloway, a US citizen, was reported to have been kidnapped in Aruba. Much mainstream US media speculation revolved around the possibility that Holloway's kidnapping had something to do with Venezuela. To this day, little is known ... but ... Venezuela was mentioned.

Recently, three boys from the Canadian-Venezuelan family, the Faddouls, have been reported to have been kidnapped in Venezuela ... only a few weeks before the upcoming Venezuelan presidential elections campaigns begin.

Coincidence? No.

If I were to think like the psychopaths who work for the US government, I would plan out a few more kidnappings on Venezuelan territory ... and increase their frequency over the next few months ... in order to "show up" Venezuelans as the "bad guys" ... and culminate with a tragic bombing and/or assassination spree a few days before the December 2006 Venezuelan presidential elections.

This is what I predict will happen:

In the next weeks and months, a few Canadians (no "Americans," yet) or Europeans will be reported to have been kidnapped (and some perhaps reportedly killed) in Venezuela. Sniper attacks will "inadvertently" injure of kill Brits or Canadians or Germans or Spaniards living and working in Venezuela ... and it will be blamed on Chavistas (Chavez supporters).

The ball is now rolling in this direction.

Certain Chavez ministers and bureaucrats will be "caught" with large quantities of cocaine ... all set up by the US government and its co-collaborators ... and ... it will all be happily reported by the USA's mainstream media.

Am I being paranoid?

No. I am being realistic. If the US government is able to lie to its own people, to kill its own soldiers in Iraq ... and if it is able to plan the kidnapping of its own, it is certainly realistic to assume that the US government and its cronies can easily take similar measures with respect to Venezuela.

The US government and the US mainstream media know that most "westerners" are amongst the most gullible people on the planet. They will believe what their "trusted" news sources say.

Fortunately, Chavez is taking steps and actions in the logical direction. Within a few months Venezuela will have a reserve army of about 2 million ... trained in guerilla tactics ... something the USA has proven to be completely inept at throughout its history.

Mark my words ... the kidnappings and violence in Venezuela will augment considerably in the coming months ... courtesy of the US government .. and the USA's mainstream media.


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