March 05, 2006

Cuban Women Condemn War and Terror

Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) members raised their voices against the war in Iraq and terrorism at a ceremony at the Jose Marti Monument in Havana on Sunday to honor International Womens´ Day (March 8).

The FMC´s members urge all sisters from the world to support this cause for global peace, said a message read in the meeting.

Cuban women also slammed the US blockade and demanded the release of the five Cubans imprisoned in the US for fighting terrorism.

The proposal was put forward by the Codepink Women for Pace, a US organization backed by Cindy Sheehan, mother of a soldier who died in Iraq and has become in a symbol of the battle against war.

In the 4th World Social Forum recently held in Caracas, Venezuela, Sheehan called to launch on International Women´s Day a huge campaign against military aggressions by collecting signatures to be addressed to the White House.

“We support and join that call, and are well aware that humankind can only survive and build the better world we all seek through social justice and peace,” said the FMC communiqué.

As part of Sunday activity, 800 women from Havana joined the organization that presently brings together more than 4.2 million Cubans.

The main rally to mark the historic date will be held at the Jose Marti Anti-imperialist Tribunal on March 8.


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