August 02, 2007

Bloggers of the world unite and take over – Reflections on Raul Castro’s Cuba

Note: For this week’s retrospective on the blogosphere, we’ll examine what several bloggers have said on the one year anniversary of the transfer of power in Cuba from Fidel Castro to his brother, Raul.

  • Child of the Revolution – “Has anything really changed in Cuba in the past year? Here are two separate assessments.
    The first is a report by David Usborne of the British daily The Independent, who is of the view that Cuba is still “languishing” in Fidel Castro’s shadow. Then there is this somewhat more up-beat assessment from Anthony Boadle, the Reuters correspondent in Havana. Make up your own mind”.
  • Cuba Journal “Contrary to earlier predictions by Castro foes, the transfer of power to the younger Castro did not lead to a popular clamor within Cuba for swift reforms, and business has continued as usual.
    Many analysts say Cuba successfully passed a key test in the transfer of power orchestrated by Fidel Castro and planned long before his operation.
    Political analysts in Havana and Miami say there is little likelihood of any major political changes being introduced soon.”
  • Green Corner – “Many Cubans and Western observers believe this to be a signal that Chinese-style reforms are finally on the way; an opening up of the economy while maintaining political control.
    As caretaker president, Raul has also offered to sit down at the negotiating table with the United States. That's been rejected and under US law, there can be no lifting of the embargo against Cuba as long as either brother is in power.
    Most Western observers believe Raul is running day-to-day government. What is less clear is who is setting the political agenda.”
  • Kateshomeblog – “Before I visited, I held the usual Western leftie yes-it's-not-perfect-but-the-blame-lies-with-the USA point of view.
    After spending a month there, however, my opinions have radically changed. I still think that America's handling of Cuba has been completely counter-productive, and its embargo has condemned many to suffer needlessly. But the Cuban leadership can't escape responsibility for the horrendous conditions in which many people live.”
  • VivirLatino “The Cuban exile community partied in the streets thinking el barbudo to be dead or near dead and the U.S. made plans on what to do with a post-Fidel Cuba. But the parties and speculation didn't last long as Fidel recovered from a still mysterious intestinal operation (yes yes we know commenter- you think its Crohn's) Fidel has been representing more than ever, even if not publicly.”
  • Working Towards a Free Cuba (On Fidel Castro) So what is it?? Is he or is he not running the government from his rocking chair in the nursing home?? I thought he was making phones calls and delegating duties from his hospital bed??"
  • You and Those Like You“Fidel Castro, despite his lack of public appearances, claims that he is still consulted on "every important government decision". flash Raul is the new boss of Cuba. There must be something very wrong with the health of Fidel to keep him sidelined for more than a year now. His days must be numbered.”

Sources- Child of the Revolution, Cuba Journal, Green Corner, Kateshomeblog, VivirLatino, Working Towards a Free Cuba, You and Those Like You

Image- TIME


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