June 18, 2007

Chávez announces new stage in Energy Revolution

ZULIA, June 17

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez announced the start of a new stage in the country’s “Energy Revolution,” with the goal of substituting almost 27 million inefficient light bulbs for energy-saving ones in the commercial, industrial and public sectors. He made the announcement at the inauguration of the Termozulia combined-cycle thermoelectric plant in western Venezuela.

Chávez said it was necessary to change consumption patterns, which often tend to waste electricity and fuel, and affirmed that the efforts underway nationwide are aimed at protecting the environment.

The campaign to change 26.7 million bulbs began on Sunday; it will cover the 13 states with the most industrial power.

After the replacement of 53.2 million incandescent bulbs in Venezuelan homes, electric power authorities reported that maximum demand went down by 1,400 Megawatts.

In states like Nueva Esparta, Amazonas and Delta Amacuro, where outages were frequent, no blackouts have occurred for months, during which time the improved service has benefited many homes.

“Since the Energy Revolution began last November, the Venezuelan people have begun to shatter paradigms of energy usage,” affirmed Manuel Deza, coordinator of the energy program.

The example of the Termozulia plant, which features reduced emissions into the atmosphere, is another of the Energy Revolution’s components. The program also projects replacing oil with natural gas for electric power generation; replacing air conditioners with more energy-efficient ones, and using renewable sources of energy.


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