Bolivia wants natural resources to be shared by all
La Paz : Defending the country's natural resources, a patrimony belonging to all Bolivians, is one of the key pragmatic axis of the Evo Morales government.
Morales, who spoke on Saturday at an event to commemorate 144th annivesary of Ancoraimes municipality, said the Constituent Assembly, established on August 6 last year in Sucre, must endorse the principle in the draft Constitution and must be submitted in two months.
He insisted that energy and mineral resources do not belong to a particular region of the counry.
Morales criticized several civic committees, including that of Santa Cruz (eastern Bolivia), which have demanded departmental independence in order not to share their natural wealth with other regions that lack those resources.
Morales said that it is a fight for national unity in the field of natural resources, adding that not all civic leaders in Santa Cruz oppose that new concept.
"They are few families who defend their personal interests rather than those of the nation," he pointed out.
Morales said that with the people, social organizations, the armed forces and the national police's support, the Bolivian government would guarantee respect for the state property over natural resources.
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