August 07, 2006

Eye-witness Report: Venezuela does indeed have weapons of mass destruction!

“I think that Americans, anxious for Peace, Science, Art, Commerce and Agriculture would prefer Republics over Kingdoms.” -- Simon Bolivar

The Rev. Obed Juan Vizcaino Najera (Maracaibo) writes: We hereby responsibly announce to the world that we do indeed have weapons of mass destruction in Venezuela.

I believe that, once and for all, we Venezuelans have to admit to the entire world that we have a huge arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in our country and which the Bolivarian government effectively uses on a daily and continuous basis.

One way or another, some English-speaking scholar will write a fake “scientific” report stating that Venezuela has an extremely dangerous arsenal that threatens world stability. The empire will flaunt it before the nations of the world as: infallible, scientific and technological evidence.

The unavoidable ‘gringo’ invasion will soon follow.

As far as I am concerned, I prefer to announce it to the world, personally.

I am an eye-witness.

Those weapons do exist and are being used daily in a very effective way against illiteracy, school truancy, hunger, unemployment, endemic diseases and malnutrition (all of which plagued our nation for centuries).

The “empire” strived to keep the Third World countries under the yoke of ignorance, hunger and disease and is presently extremely annoyed that this “regime” has dared to declare free health care and free education in Venezuela.

I announce to the civilized world, that this Venezuelan revolution has made serious attempts against the World Bank International Monetary Fund’s criminal measures and also against the US-promoted Free Trade Agreement.

The Chavez “regime” recently began a systematic and effective attack on poverty using such weapons as Negra Hipolita Missions, Neighborhood Mothers, Negra Matea and many others.

The “regime” has also massively attacked the social debt owed to the Venezuelan people by its government ... a debt which has accumulated since the founding of the Republic.

This “regime’s” first merciless and devastating attack was on illiteracy which led to an alarmed declaration by the UN that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has become Illiteracy-Free Territory.

This “regime” has repeatedly financed a series of violent operations aimed at defeating and eradicating poverty in Venezuela and all of Latin America; making it very clear that it intends to export its communist and atheist revolution to all neighboring nations.

It attempts to socialize health care throughout the continent in an effort to establish a “new revolutionary regime” that will crush private hospitals and clinics.

* This Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution has become enemy number one of International Free Trade and Commerce.

This revolutionary government guarantees permanent free health care to every citizen and has become a menace to those Laboratories who on a daily basis are trying to raise the prices of medications that could save thousands of lives on the planet.

This “regime” has dared to sell fuel oil to impoverished communities in the United States of America at discounted prices, thus affecting the funeral corporations' market that prospers with deaths caused by the cold, North American winters across their cities and suburbs.

* This brutish interference in the internal policies of the United States of America, by Hugo Chavez, is not acceptable.

During these past months, the Chavez regime has exported fertilizers, gas oil, gasoline, medications, and drinking water to people from other nations such as Haiti, Surinam and the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), bringing many intermediary industries that had profited and prospered from other people’s poverty and hunger to the brink of bankruptcy.

And as if that weren’t enough, the Venezuelan government has dared to categorically denounce ethnic cleansing in Palestine and Lebanon. This is an unforgivable and deplorable act! It will not go unpunished! Retribution by the North American empire and Semitic Nazis will be forthcoming!

* President Hugo Chavez has vigorously condemned the attacks on schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and shelters where children, women, the elderly and the handicapped have taken refuge form the Israeli bombs south of Lebanon and Palestine.

We testify that President Hugo Chavez was the only world leader to denounce the genocide being committed in Afghanistan, Iran and now Palestine and Lebanon. His government was also the first to establish an air bridge for the victims of criminal bombings by Zionist Nazis.

We wish to denounce before the UN Security Council that President Chavez has guaranteed free schools and universities, allowing access to free education (all the way through junior college) to citizens who had previously been excluded from the education system.

Venezuela has a megaton bomb called 'Cultural Mission,' which has rescued the identity of a people that had suffered the kidnapping of its essence and cultural identity.

Another very powerful weapon is Mercal, which waves a very dangerous flag: it guarantees food products for its citizens at discounted prices ... specially those who up to now had been living at and below poverty levels.

I invite all Venezuelans to announce to the world that Venezuela does indeed posses weapons of mass destruction against hunger, disease, school desertion, illiteracy and ignorance!

translated by's Beatriz Socorro


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