August 06, 2006

Evo Morales Sums up First Term

Sucre, Bolivia
Aug 5
Bolivian President Evo Morales will issue a message on Saturday in the southern city of Sucre, which according to the presidential spokesperson Alex Contreras will focus on the results of the very first six months of his administration.

Contreras said there is expectation on the president s speech, to be given to members of the Congress and invited officials and broadcasted by national media.

The presidential address will fulfill a regulation establishing that presidents should present a balance of their administration terms to the legislative power each August 6, national anniversary day.

This year, the speech will be given a day before because the establishment of the Constituent Assembly is set for August 6.

That body a triumph of the Bolivian people thanks to its social struggles started in 1990, is conceived as a tool to re-found the nation,

Evo Morales intends to go over his first six months of presidency, marked by the implementation of social and economic projects in favor of the people.

Other sources related to the executive, announced that the message would follow the line of a governmental manifest issued in July in Orinoca, Evo Morales s birthplace.

That decree praised the progress of the national processes encouraged since the inauguration of the indigenous president.


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