June 08, 2006

Buenos Aires: Solidarity with Mapuche Prisoners

On May 30th, approximately 40-50 Anarchists, Mapuche activists and students, and Zapatista solidarity activists, blockaded the entrance to trendy Chilean department store, Falabella, in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Falabella was effectively shut down for an hour,in an act of solidarity with the Mapuche political prisoners in Chile, arrested for defending their land.

11 of these prisoners face over 10 years in jail under Pinochet’s anti terrorism laws. This action was also an act of resistance against Chilean capitalism which is the driving force behind the state’s repression which continues under the “socialist” government of Michelle Bachelet. This repression was also seen cleary during the violence directed at teen age protesters in Santiago, Chile, in the recent wave of student unrest there.

The protesters in Buenos Aires chained themselves to the entrance of Falabella unfurling banners proclaiming their solidarity with the prisoners in Chile and those brutalized by the Mexican state in Atenco.

The protesters chanted “Contra el ALCA y Capital, Contra el estado y todo Autoridad” as well as “ Donde esta, no se ve, el socialismo de Bachelet”

** "Against FTAA and Capital, against the state and all authority" Where is it? it can't be seen, the socialism of Bachelet"**

As the demonstration was wrapping up the police attempted to arrest one of the “leaders” (the press liason). This attempt was thwarted as the crowd surrounded the police and unarrested their comrade. The successful action finished without any arrests.

-amor y resistencia

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