Subcomandante Marcos - I love him

Zapatista leader Marcos spent May Day marching with thousands of others to show solidarity to the undocumented immigrants protesting in the United States. “"(We call on) those who mobilized against the war in Iraq, to the inheritors of Emma Goldman, John Reed, Julius Rosenberg, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, the Indian people of North America who are tied to us with ties of pain and rebellion and all of the Chicano community, for supporting this workers' fight,” Marcos said.
Subcomandante Marcos, the masked Zapatista rebel leader, blamed the evils of free-market capitalism while addressing marchers in front of the U.S. Embassy as part of his peaceful tour of the nation.
In front of the U.S. Embassy, riot police looked on as masked Zapatista rebels joined other protesters in denouncing the United States and promoting the boycott.
Subcomandante Marcos, the pipe-smoking Zapatista leader, pledged to "expel from our land all the rich and powerful ... including, of course, U.S. capitalists." In 1994, the Zapatistas emerged from the jungles in Chiapas and stunned the government with an indigenous rebellion.
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