May 02, 2006

Other Journalism, Narco News Journalists Arrested in Oaxaca

by Dan Feder
James Daria and Dul Santamaría, journalists with the Other Journalism and Narco News, were arrested today in Oaxaca City together with a group of colleagues and adherents to the Other Campaign. According to the following communiqué we have just received from the Red Oaxaqueña Zapatista (Oaxaca Zapatista Network), they were detained by a group of police in civilian clothing in an act of violent repression against independent journalism and the Zapatista Other Campaign…

Oaxaca: May 1, 2006


In Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, today, International Workers’ Day, several Other Campaign demonstrators were subject to repression and arbitrary arrests.

For the “Other May 1st,” and in support of the immigrants’ struggle in the United States and the boycott on U.S. products, the Red Oaxaqueña Zapatista held a march/demonstration that was attended by adherents to the Other Campaign and people in solidarity with the immigrants’ struggle. In response, the state government of Oaxaca unleashed a police operation of permanent harassment against the demonstration on the part of agents in civilian clothing.

The Other Campaign contingent was followed by three Special Operations Police Unit (UPOE) trucks and ten police officers in civilian clothing, including the sub-director of the Tourist Police. The result of this operation was the arbitrary detention of seven compañeros and compañeras; three of them Mexican and four foreigners.

The Mexicans are:

* Dulce Estrella Santamaría Robles: Narco News journalist, adherent to the Other Campaign, student of the Universidad de la Tierra (University of the Land) and member of the Red Oaxaqueña Zapatista.
* Moisés Altamirano Bustos: Oaxaca resident and member of the “Somos Resistencia” anarchist collective, who was beaten and intimidated during and after the moment of his arrest.
* Hasavias López Cortés: Oaxaca resident and member of the “Somos Resistencia” anarchist collective, who was beaten and intimidated during and after the moment of his arrest.

The foreigners, all U.S. citizens, are:

* James Daria: Narco News journalist covering the event, Other Campaign supporter, partner of Dulce Santamaría.
* Jessica Joseph Daria: student at the Universidad de la Tierra who was taking photos and recording audio and video of the demonstration, and who does not speak Spanish.
* Hillary Chase Lowenbere: Student at the Universidad de la Tierra who was taking photos and recording audio of the demonstration, and who does not speak Spanish.
* Andrew William Saltzman: Student at the Universidad de la Tierra, who was taking photos and recording audio of the demonstration.

It should be pointed out that all of them were arrested after, and not during, the demonstration, and that the North Americans are all journalists.


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