March 17, 2006

Bolivian Government Calls for Calm

La Paz
The Bolivian Government expressed concern over clashes at a road blockade, and called on the people to remain calm and opt for negotiated solutions to this and other social conflicts.

The call was made by Presidential spokesman Alex Contreras in the wake of clashes between travelers and road blockaders on Machacamarquita, a main road some 125 miles south of the capital.

Contreras said President Evo Morales spoke with representatives of the miners blocking the road, who want a prompt solution to their demand for more teachers in local public schools.

The incidents took place Thursday when travelers, frustrated from using the crossing, tried to make their way by force and fought with the Huanuni miners.

Delegates of La Paz Farmers Federation, attempting to attend a farm congress in Santa Cruz were among those unable to use the crossing. Their leader, Genaro Flores, accused radical leaders of Bolivian Workers Confederation (COB) of trying to prevent them from attending the meeting.

However, the road blockade also led to indefinite postponement of a COB leadership meeting to have been held in Huanuni Friday, announced COB executive secretary Jaime Solares.

Meanwhile, the government sent Minister of Hydrocarbons Andres Soliz to southern Tarija, threatened with a general strike, to discuss the regional Civil Committee's demands for a vice presidential position to manage State-run oil Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB).

In both conflicts, as in prior, similar situations, the government has ruled out repression and opted for dialogue.


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