USA exports state-sponsored terrorism, By Gregory F. Fegel
The Twin Towers were long regarded as architectural dinosaurs and economic failures by their original owners. I am a citizen of the USA by birth, and it concerns me that the image of the United States that is presented by the international ‘Mainstream Media’ is largely a product of US government and corporate Propaganda. Media monopolies, such as the ones owned and run by Ted Turner in the USA and by Rupert Murdoch in both the USA and Great Britain, present a one-sided, ‘official’ view of US Politics and of US foreign policy.
Many people in the USA disagree with the US government’s foreign policies and also with the ‘official version’ of events that is presented by the corporate-controlled Mainstream Media. There are numerous small, ‘alternative’ media outlets in the USA that present a very different view of US Politics and foreign policy.
A recent poll conducted by Zogby International showed that 49.3 % of the residents of New York City, where the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were struck by airliners, believe that the leadership and the intelligence agencies of the US government “Knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act.”
Many Americans do not believe the US government’s ‘official version’ of the 9/11/2001 attacks, and there are now several hundred websites on the Internet that catalog the multiple discrepancies and falsehoods contained in the ‘official version’ presented by the US government and the Mainstream Media regarding the events of 9/11/2001.
A preponderance of evidence shows that the Twin Towers could not have collapsed as a result of the airliners that crashed into them. In fact, the videos and still photos of the collapse of the Twin Towers clearly show the ’squibs’ of smoke that accompany a controlled demolition. Many witnesses reported hearing multiple explosions throughout the Twin Towers just prior to their collapse.
Don't let facts get in the way of your lies. Good job.
I was hoping that I could believe your "Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age" article, but now I know you're a kook. It's a shame, maybe some other "reputable" person will do a intellectually honest report on the coming Ice Age and confirm that story.
I too am looking into the "Gregory F. Fegel" of the "Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age" article published in the America-hating, former-Communist Russian propaganda machine "Pravda".
What I find is that Mr. Fegel is an America-hating American (check out his writing on who believes in a 9/11 conspiracy.
In other words, Mr. Fegel is a sick little man.
Were you watching Sesame Street the
the towers were hit? My cousin was
actually there and the only puffs of smoke you see are coming out of your stir-fried brain.
You are right.
If you haven't seen the puffs of smoke it must be because you are in willful denial. All you have to do is about 2 hours of research online to know that the planes did not bring the towers down, nor building number 7 which also fell at free-fall speed. Maybe you didn't pay much attention in science class, but what free-fall means is that the structure underneath the portion of the buildings where the collapse was initiated offered zero resistance to the material falling on top of it. This could only be accomplished if the material was blow out of the way before the material above fell. Remember the apple that fell on Newton's head? Do do know who Newton is don't you?
Steel loses its tensile strength in the area of 400-750 degrees centigrade depending on what's around it. The towers hung from the corner pillars (covered with an inferior substitute for asbestos). Once the right temperature was reached, there was "zero resistance" and everything let go.
Try to get insurance for a high ceiling (like a church) supported by steel beams and you'll find out the problem.
The collapse of the twin towers was not sponsored by the Bush administration. The 2nd tower fell first because of the lower impact of the airplane and the weight above the floors that collapsed. The collapse began internally. The puffs of smoke were disintegrated concrete, not explosions. The floors were engineered to hold several times their weight as long as the steel was intact. As soon as the steel started to transition from solid to liquid due to the heat all stress calculations for construction are invalid.
That being said and your credibility in huge doubt... I did see an article published in Scandinavia a couple of years ago that predicted the beginning or a solar minimum, which precedes an ice age. There is no question that there is global warming. There are many questions whether it is man made. The CO2 released by "nature" is disproportionate to the CO2 created by "man".
The government can not even tie its shoe laces correctly, but for some reason I am supposed to believe that the government pulled off this highly sophisticated scheme that includes dozens of people? Give me a break.
This is you, huh?
Air Force Releases 'Counter-Blog' Marching Orders
By Noah Shachtman EmailJanuary 06, 2009 | 4:00:00 PMCategories: Info War
Air_force_blog_char Bloggers: If you suddenly find Air Force officers leaving barbed comments after one of your posts, don't be surprised. They're just following the service's new "counter-blogging" flow chart. In a twelve-point plan, put together by the emerging technology division of the Air Force's public affairs arm, airmen are given guidance on how to handle "trolls," "ragers" -- and even well-informed online writers, too. It's all part of an Air Force push to "counter the people out there in the blogosphere who have negative opinions about the U.S. government and the Air Force," Captain David Faggard says.
Over the last couple of years, the armed forces have tried, in fits and starts, to connect more with bloggers. The Army and the Office of the Secretary of Defense now hold regular "bloggers' roundatbles" with generals, colonels, and key civilian leaders. The Navy invited a group of bloggers to embed with them on a humanitarian mission to Central and South America, last summer. Military blogger Michael Yon recently traveled to Afghanistan with Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
In contrast, the Air Force has largely kept the blogosphere at arms' length. Most of the sites are banned from Air Force networks. And the service has mostly stayed away from the Pentagon's blog outreach efforts. Captain Faggard, who's become the Air Force Public Affairs Agency's designated social media guru, has made strides in shifting that attitude. The air service now has a Twitter feed, a blog of its own -- and marching orders, for how to comment on other sites. "We're trying to get people to understand that they can do this," he tells Danger Room.
The flow chart lays out a range of possible responses to a blog post. Airmen can offer a "factual and well-cited response [that] is not factually erroneous, a rant or rage, bashing or negative in nature." They can "let the post stand -- no response." Or they cancan "fix the facts," offering up fresh perspective. No matter what, the chart says, airmen should "disclose your Air Force connection," "respond in a tone that reflects high on the rich heritage of the Air Force," and "focus on the most-used sites related to the Air Force."
Despite the chart's sometimes-stiff language, former military spokesman Steven Field says he's "a fan." Field, who's been occasionally critical of the armed services' blog outreach efforts, tells Danger Room: "I've always thought that a military-like process would be a good bridge to connect the services with the blogosphere. There's a field manual for everything in the military, so this flow-chart presents online communications in a DoD [Department of Defense] friendly format."
One stipulation -- While it should be a guide of communications, it shouldn't become a ball-and-chain. Online comms require some level of nimble, on-your-feet response. As long as the Air Force doesn't use the "evaluate" phase to get approval from every Tom, Dick and Harry in the Pentagon, it should be a good tool.
"Now they just need to lift those damn IP [Internet Protocol] filters," Field adds, so airmen can actually read those blogs that they're supposed to respond to.
Wow, you're a good blogger Alice. Nice sleuthing!
So, am I handling a troll, rager or well-informed online writer when it comes to you? I'm guessing...troll.
I am not affiliated with any branch of the United States Military, nor am I a member of some clandestine Non-Government Agency raiding your little website.
Can you formulate any of your own thoughts, or do you just copy and paste the work of everybody else?
-Can you formulate any of your own thoughts, or do you just copy and paste the work of everybody else?-
I can do both, actually...
Do you have a point? All I did was post that story and you freaked...
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