January 10, 2006

Iran and the New World Order, by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

The New World Order we see today is based more and more upon a belligerent and bullying Anglo-Saxon Alliance forged between the axis Canberra-London-Washington and its foundations stand upon one simple precept: to have an “us” you need a “them.”

If you go looking for problems they are easy to find. For example, an easy “them” would have been constituted by the Albanian KLA terrorists destabilising Kosovo and against whom Slobodan Milosevic’s troops were fighting, but it was understood in the US Congress that the KLA belonged to the “us” side, for dubious reasons.

While it is true that not all those chosen to belong to “us” remain so forever (for instance, the funding of the Madrassah and the Mujaheddin movement in Afghanistan - one of whose leaders was Osama bin Laden - to destabilise the progressive government of Dr. Najibullah by the USA). It is easy to choose and then maintain a “them” identity primarily among those who follow a different religious banner or a socialist ideal.

Hence the pariahs of today are Cuba (just because Fidel Castro had the substance to stand up to the USA and make socialism work), along with Chavez (Venezuela) and now almost certainly Morales (Bolivia) because Washington likes to think its capitalist model is perfect. However, the truth could not be more different.

The countries which adopted a socialist model proved that their system could work and provide true social welfare programmes, while the capitalist-monetarist model is so flawed from the outset that it has to be sustained by subsidies and tariffs, perpetuating and perpetrating a form of economic imperialism. In plain, simple English, it does not work.

Another easy “them” to pinpoint is any Moslem country with the audacity not to obey Washington’s orders, such as Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Iran - now even easier to mark down as “them” because of President Ahmadinejad’s habit of not mincing his words.


Much will be made this year of the growing friendship between Iran, Bolivia and Venezuela, especially now that they are speaking about energy deals. As we all know, the energy lobby which controls Washington”s foreign policy likes to have its fingers in all the pies.

Watch this space. But beware of the false truths spun by the spider in the centre of the web - Washington, the Mother of International Liars.


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