November 08, 2005

When Chavez and Bush go head-to-head, George'll end up looking the fool

The International Forecaster editor Bob Chapman writes: Lo and behold, William A. Arkin, of the Washington Post, writing about US national and Homeland Security says that the Pentagon has begun contingency planning for potential military conflict with Venezuela as part of a broad post-Iraq evaluation of strategic threats to the US.

We knew of this plan long ago and have reported on what our government was up too.

The Washington Post is a mouthpiece for the elitists, so Venezuela should be training a much larger standing military and they should be taking delivery of major strategic ordinance and technical weaponry ASAP.

We also recommend hiring Spanish-speaking professionals from other countries to bring their military up to speed. They should also recruit military from other South and Central American countries and Mexico to defend the southern part of the Americas from the evil that runs our country.

Needless to say, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is ramroding this new invasion.

The Quadrennial Defense Review has North Korea and Iran subjects of invasion because they supposedly have WMD, China because it’s a peer competitor and future threat and Syria and Venezuela because they are rogue nations. Rogue means they disagree with our invasions, torture and the murder of civilian populations by the lunatics running our government. If the neocons attack Venezuela they may have to take on all of South America and legions of volunteers from all over the world.

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias has become the champion of opposition to US policies and activities worldwide. Of course, Venezuela is booming and thousands are leaving poverty behind due to his guidance, assisted by high oil prices. 77% of Venezuelans approve of Mr. Chavez’s success. Try invading a country with that kind of exprit de corp. The casualty rate for an invading force will be staggering. During a prolonged conflict how would the US replace 15% of their oil needs they receive from Venezuela?

President Hugo Chavez FriasWe believe that when Chavez and Bush go head to head they’ll be some real fireworks. We expect George will end up looking like a fool.

We predict that FTAA will be a big loser at the Summit of the Americas. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba will make sure it is a non-issue. Chile has accepted FTA and Mexico is very unhappy with NAFTA, which spills over into FTAA. Ecuador, Colombia and Peru are in negotiations on FTA and in all probability Paraguay will b so soon. We believe FTAA is the last step to bring the Northern and Southern Americas into one world government. Trade is just the bait.

We agree with Hugo Chavez who has said FTAA would only expand the development gap in Latin America. He has proposed his Bolivian alternative for the Americas, which has received strong support in South America. He and we believe FTAA will enrich the wealthy in power in these countries and in the US and increase poverty in Latin America.

Mr. Chavez predicts FTAA will be buried by the people of South America ... let’s hope he is correct.

Paul Craig Roberts says, “George W. Bush is a natural born liar. He lied us into a war, and now he is lying to keep us there.” He said, “Today there are more than 80 Iraqi army battalions fighting the insurgency alongside our forces.” Just a few days prior to Bush’s National Endowment for Democracy speech, Generals Casey and Abizaid told Congress there was only one battalion able to undertake operations against insurgents. George forgot to mention there are 300 Iraqis dying each month via suicide attacks.

The deceit goes on as the delusional run our country.

You probably saw the demonstrations in Mar del Plata at the Summit of the Americas. 100,000 marched in the city and 40,000 attended a noon rally where Venezuela President Hugo Chavez Frias told attendees that, “Each one of us brought a shovel, a gravedigger’s shovel, because here in Mar del Plata is the tomb of the Free Trade Area of the Americas.”

There continues to be deepening skepticism about the benefits of free trade across poor regions of the continent where the wealth gap continues to grow. George Bush maintains that the accord would “eventually” create jobs and reduce poverty. Yes, as the local wealthy and transnational conglomerates further enrich themselves. Bush spent most of his time with friendlies, such as Colombia, which supplies us with the most of our cocaine, Peru, which runs a close second and other Central American nations. Bush received little FTAA encouragement from Brazil and Argentina. At the meeting Bush and Chavez were seated far apart.

Most demonstrators carried signs comparing Bush to Adolph Hitler as they chanted Bush, the fascist or Bush, the terrorist. Mr. Chavez portrayed the US as the main obstacle between Latin America and prosperity.

Protest marchers turned out in Buenos Aires as well carrying signs depicting Mr. Bush as fascist, a child killer and genocidal beast. The ‘S’ in Bush’s name was replaced by a dollar sign or a swastika.

Flies all green and buzzin’

In this dungeon of despair

An evil prince eats a steamin’ pig

In a tumbers right near there

In the chambers right near there

He eats de snouts an trotters first!


Afghan poet is beaten to death, Nadia Anjuman, 25, Her husband has confessed to hitting her during a row.


The loins and the groins are then dispersed

His carvin style is well rehearsed

He stands and shouts

All men be cursed

And disagree it, well no one durst


Libby's a poet, and we didn't know it


He the best of cause of all the woist

Best of cause of all the woist

He stinks so bad his stones been chokin’

Weepin’ greenish drops

In the room with the iron maiden


Residents of Iraqi town seize chance to flee


And the torture never stops, torture

Torture never stops


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