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Just for kicks I typed in "George Bush is Lying"
Bush Administration Deception
I've listend to George W. Bush during his campaign and his presidency. My first observation was when I learned he had 3 to 5 businesses that went under. He didn't loose money but the investors did. Over the years he has been able to con people into doing his bidding by his good ole boy, slap on the back, nick names, cowboy boots. He has presented himself as "I'm like you." Too many, people have fell sink line and sinker for him they thought he was a moral man impeccable integrity. In reality George, his Dad and corporate buddies are devious, vicious and master con artists. I knew he would lie, he talks about religion to get the attention of the Christian right. They fell for it. Now, we are well on the road to a bankrupt country. He is ruining our beautiful company. Everytime I heard him talk about WMDs I replied Bull_ _ _ _! I also believe this color code system is crap. All he is doing is putting fear in people. He's gloom and doom. This is what dictators do. Sooo he's bankrupting the businesses in this country. Fear is the clue to how he hopes to control the people of this country. I believe the country made a mistake when they selected George for pResident. Don't you think it's ironic that George H. W. Bush had two sons that were Governors of two of our largest states, George I was Director of the CIA, Vice President, and President. These people have too much power like the the Carlyle Group, Enrons, etc. They are not your average person and never have been. YOu know how we despised Clinton's Monica lie about sex? Clinton hurt himself. George Bush is lying about intelligence and our young men and women have died - besides thousands of Iraq people. Is this honest?
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