Spring in NYC
More than just the weather is heating up here but, before getting to all this NYC zapatismo activity, I can't recommend strongly enough "Warning the World that Zapatismo is in Danger" by Jorge Alonso. Ok, where were we?
The Left Forum was pretty dang PACKED this year... and so was the Brecht Forum on Saturday night where the youth and the elders (Tariq Ali, Grace Lee Boggs, Ashanti Alston, and Max Elbaum amongst them) joined together in an historic force to "Party Like It's 1968!" Now let's see if some of that spirit will spill into the streets this week to mark the 5th Anniversary of the US-led Invasion of Iraq...
Leading up to all the Left/Brecht Forum madness over the weekend was a packed event at the Brecht called "Prospects for a More Coherent Left: An Intergenerational Dialogue from the Grassroots" featuring a discussion between Max Elbaum, Ai-Jen Poo, Autumn Brown and I - you can find the audio here. Now here's a sampling of...
'Zapatismo in NYC' events this Spring
MARCH 26 (Wednesday): Gloria Muñoz Ramírez bringing the Fire and the Word to Judson Memorial Church in support of Movement for Justice in El Barrio's premiere of their film from the NYC Encuentro for Dignity and Against Gentrification - full details here.
APRIL 4 (Friday): El Kilombo Intergaláctico at the Brecht Forum: "Beyond Resistance: Everything! The Zapatistas, the Other Campaign & US" - full details here.
APRIL 6 (Sunday): Join Movement for Justice in El Barrio at 12:30p on the steps of New York City Hall to launch the International Campaign in Defense of El Barrio! - call out here.
JUNE 4, 11, 18 & 25 (Wednesdays): Join yours truly at the Brecht Forum for a four-session interactive class called, of course, "Enter the Intergalactic! Zapatismo in the US & the World." Details here.
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