January 25, 2008

Evidence of Biological War in Venezuela

Jan 24

The shadow of biological war looms over Venezuela Thursday in an investigation of a strain of dengue in western Zulia State, which a local scientist believes to be a possible lab mutation.

Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez ordered the investigation yesterday, following accusations by immunologist Nancy Gonzalez, chief of the Medical School at the University of Zulia.

The expert gave the alarm early this week when 25 percent of the nation's cases of the liver-attacking virus were found in that western Venezuelan state.

According to Zulia newspaper Panorama, Janine Perozo, director of the Regional Health System, mentioned a definite suspected clinic.

The situation recalls the US biological war against Cuba when in 1972 it introduced the hog cholera virus, and between 1979 and 1981, plagues that affect both people and crops.

In the CIA's Mangosta Operation, proved in declassified documents, dengue, hemorrhage conjunctivitis, roya of sugarcane and the blue mold in tobacco were introduced into the island.


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