April 05, 2007

HR 1707 Introduced in the House! - SOA Grads Arrested in U.S.

With a new bill and an imminent vote that would suspend operations at the SOA/WHINSEC, April is a time of hope and remembrance for the victims of human rights abuses throughout the Americas.

On April 25-27, peacemakers, community organizers, prisoners of conscience and human rights advocates around the country will be fasting to raise awareness of the victims of the SOA/WHINSEC. Public fasts and events in front of Congressional offices, federal buildings, university campus centers and public spaces will inform the public and new members of Congress about the SOA/WHINSEC and why we believe it must be shut down!

It is up to us, the people, to inspire a change in people's hearts and minds and bring peace and justice to the hemisphere. We must make ourselves heard, we must make ourselves visible and let our Representatives in Congress and leaders in government know that we believe in peace, human rights and transparency!

Download the April Fast Organizing Packet and Start Organizing!

If you are interested in organizing a Fast or Event please contact our Communications Coordinator, Joao Da Silva, at jdasilva(at)soaw(dot)org or call 202-234-3440.


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