March 05, 2007

dada said...

dada said...

Chavez claims Jesus as inspiration for socialist dictatorship

...Meanwhile, some priests have increasingly been speaking up in favor of Chavez’s ideals.

Monsignor Edgar Doria said he thinks Chavez shares Christian principles like social justice and equality, and that the church can be a key ally in social programs for the poor.

Bishop Mario Moronta wrote in a recent letter, widely published in Venezuelan media, that the church has a role to play in discussing the "21st Century Socialism" espoused by Chavez.

"We are called to participate in just efforts to overcome poverty," Moronta wrote. "Every Catholic and person of good will has much to contribute."

Pretty funny headline. Could you imagine...christian principles like social justice and overcoming poverty?

It takes alot of cojones to talk like that in Latin America. Remember what happened to Archbishop Romero.


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