October 31, 2006

I wonder how many USAers know the truth about their own country...

Venezuela is not a nation of barbarians, like the USA is, where 76% of the states (the people) believe in executing criminals for their crimes. Venezuela, at least under Chavez, does not want to be like the USA, and rightly so.

While the USA is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and innocent US soldiers, while 76% of the USA is assassinating its criminals, the USA and people like the letter-writer arrogantly and erroneously elevate themselves above the rest of humanity.

After all, according to Toro’s article, at least 58% of US Christians believe in Armageddon and only 25% of the US population believes in evolution. Hey, that makes for a society which bases its notions on logic, right?


If only 25% of the US population believes in evolution (which is evident to any healthy, non-ignorant, thinking person), then 75% of the people of the USA are irrational , to put it mildly (and I don’t mean it as an insult).

If 75% of the people of the USA are irrational, then whatever decisions are taken as a society are probably quite irrational as well. Look at Iraq … only one of the many examples that could be provided.

No wonder the letter-writer is so denigrating when it comes to Muslims … she probably doesn’t know the truth about her own country’s "chopping of heads" in 35 of 50 states! Perhaps she also believes in Armageddon and perhaps she does not believe in evolution. Perhaps she believes the Bible literally (as some Christians, Creationists, believe), perhaps she is a born-again Christian … perhaps she believes in a physical and real Heaven with great weather (not too hot and not too cold), five-star hotels, no-limit credit cards (payable only at the end of eternity) and exclusive "for US Christians only" beaches?

(Heaven to me would be a place where the daytime temperature is 35- 40 degrees centigrade (95 - 104 degrees Fahrenheit) and 30-35 degrees centigrade at night. I wonder how Heaven's administrators (or God herself) would deal with me? Would they send me to Hell? I'll take southern Zulia in Venezuela instead!)

Maybe she, like so many Christian USAers, believes that Hell really exists and that all "evil" people, such as Muslims (because they are "all" "terrorists") will burn in a USA-designed oil-powered furnace forever. (Whose gonna pay for the fuel? Where are they gonna get the fuel from? Iraq? Iran? Venezuela?).

These people can believe in Heaven and Hell … yet they cannot believe that what the USA is doing in Iraq (and planning to do against Iran and Venezuela) is wrong.

Now, who deserves to go to Hell?

Oscar Heck


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