Subcommander Marcos declares Lopez Obrador legitimate winner
Submitted by Bill Weinberg on Thu, 09/21/2006 - 18:34.
This report contains the usual condescension of mainstream (English-language) media accounts on the Zapatista movement. For instance, the Zapatista-led protests around the Atenco crisis earlier this year were quite significant, and dominated the news in Mexico before they were overshadowed by the even bigger protests sparked by the electoral dispute. This account indicates the potential for a mending of fences between the Zapatistas and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which seems poised to establish a parallel government. From AP, Sept. 21 via Chiapas95:
SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS - The ski-masked leader of Mexico's Zapatistas suspended his nationwide tour and unexpectedly returned to southernmost Chiapas state, arriving in this mountain city which rebel forces briefly seized 12 years ago.
Subcomandante Marcos left the Zapatistas' strongholds in Chiapas in January and began making his way across Mexico as part of "the other campaign," which saw the rebel leader ridicule all major candidates ahead of the July 2 presidential election and pledge to overthrow the winner.
But Marcos' appearances around the country failed to draw big crowds and conservative Felipe Calderon, former energy secretary to outgoing President Vicente Fox, won a race on which the Zapatista rebel's criticisms were thought to have little effect. He returned to Chiapas on
His tour was supposed to continue after the election, but Marcos recently temporarily suspended future stops to remain in San Salvador Atenco, a town where radical farmers mutinied in 2002, taking government hostages and successfully halting a plan to build a new Mexico City airport on their land. Located outside the capital, violence again flared between police and machete-wielding demonstrators in San Salvador Atenco in May.
Marcos had said he would end "the other campaign" with a stop in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas, but his return to Chiapas could mean those plans have changed.
Why he headed to San Cristobal de las Casas was not clear. Marcos waved to a small group of supporters, but did not speak to reporters upon arriving.
The Zapatistas burst from the jungles and seized San Cristobal de las Casas and other Chiapas cities and towns in the name of socialism and Indian rights on Jan. 1, 1994. Though a cease-fire ended fighting between rebels and government forces after a few days, the Zapatistas have refused
to agree to a lasting peace.
Marcos enjoyed celebrity-like status after leading a triumphant tour of Zapatistas leaders from Chiapas to Mexico City in 2001, but the movement has largely disappeared from the public eye since then, leaving its leader struggling to regain the spotlight.
Marcos has been a longtime critic of the leftist who finished a close second to Calderon on July 2, ex-Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Still, he said Tuesday that "we were wrong. Lopez Obrador won the most votes."
Milenio elaborated Sept. 20 (also archived at Chiapas95, our translation):
Subcommander Marcos affirmed that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador obtained a "forceful and clear triumph" in the presidential election of July 2, although he accused the former candidate of the For the Good of All coalition of being surrounded by "shameless salinistas" that pretend to be of left. [A reference to functionaries of disgraced ex-president Carlos Salinas—WW4R]
In his first public position on the elections, Marcos said he had always thought the Tabasqueño [Lopez Obrador, whose home state is Tabasco] would win; nevertheless, it is an error to think that electoral fraud does not still exist in Mexico.
"Do not mistake us, Lopez Obrador obtained the greatest number of votes among those who contested the presidency... We are mistaken to think that the recourse to electoral fraud is a thing of the past," he said.
"But Lopez Obrador had and has that which none of his antecedents [in the PRD] had: charisma and ability. If before him [Cuauhtemoc] Cardenas used the government [of Mexico City] as a trampoline for the presidency, so has Lopez Obrador, but with greater skill and fortune..."
He accused Cuauhtemoc Cardenasof now being an employee of President Vicente
Fox, and also attacked his son, "the pathetic Lazaro Cardenas Batel, today governor of a Michoacan controlled by the narcotrafico."
This report contains the usual condescension of mainstream (English-language) media accounts on the Zapatista movement. For instance, the Zapatista-led protests around the Atenco crisis earlier this year were quite significant, and dominated the news in Mexico before they were overshadowed by the even bigger protests sparked by the electoral dispute. This account indicates the potential for a mending of fences between the Zapatistas and Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), which seems poised to establish a parallel government. From AP, Sept. 21 via Chiapas95:
SAN CRISTOBAL DE LAS CASAS - The ski-masked leader of Mexico's Zapatistas suspended his nationwide tour and unexpectedly returned to southernmost Chiapas state, arriving in this mountain city which rebel forces briefly seized 12 years ago.
Subcomandante Marcos left the Zapatistas' strongholds in Chiapas in January and began making his way across Mexico as part of "the other campaign," which saw the rebel leader ridicule all major candidates ahead of the July 2 presidential election and pledge to overthrow the winner.
But Marcos' appearances around the country failed to draw big crowds and conservative Felipe Calderon, former energy secretary to outgoing President Vicente Fox, won a race on which the Zapatista rebel's criticisms were thought to have little effect. He returned to Chiapas on
His tour was supposed to continue after the election, but Marcos recently temporarily suspended future stops to remain in San Salvador Atenco, a town where radical farmers mutinied in 2002, taking government hostages and successfully halting a plan to build a new Mexico City airport on their land. Located outside the capital, violence again flared between police and machete-wielding demonstrators in San Salvador Atenco in May.
Marcos had said he would end "the other campaign" with a stop in Ciudad Juarez, across the border from El Paso, Texas, but his return to Chiapas could mean those plans have changed.
Why he headed to San Cristobal de las Casas was not clear. Marcos waved to a small group of supporters, but did not speak to reporters upon arriving.
The Zapatistas burst from the jungles and seized San Cristobal de las Casas and other Chiapas cities and towns in the name of socialism and Indian rights on Jan. 1, 1994. Though a cease-fire ended fighting between rebels and government forces after a few days, the Zapatistas have refused
to agree to a lasting peace.
Marcos enjoyed celebrity-like status after leading a triumphant tour of Zapatistas leaders from Chiapas to Mexico City in 2001, but the movement has largely disappeared from the public eye since then, leaving its leader struggling to regain the spotlight.
Marcos has been a longtime critic of the leftist who finished a close second to Calderon on July 2, ex-Mexico City Mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Still, he said Tuesday that "we were wrong. Lopez Obrador won the most votes."
Milenio elaborated Sept. 20 (also archived at Chiapas95, our translation):
Subcommander Marcos affirmed that Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador obtained a "forceful and clear triumph" in the presidential election of July 2, although he accused the former candidate of the For the Good of All coalition of being surrounded by "shameless salinistas" that pretend to be of left. [A reference to functionaries of disgraced ex-president Carlos Salinas—WW4R]
In his first public position on the elections, Marcos said he had always thought the Tabasqueño [Lopez Obrador, whose home state is Tabasco] would win; nevertheless, it is an error to think that electoral fraud does not still exist in Mexico.
"Do not mistake us, Lopez Obrador obtained the greatest number of votes among those who contested the presidency... We are mistaken to think that the recourse to electoral fraud is a thing of the past," he said.
"But Lopez Obrador had and has that which none of his antecedents [in the PRD] had: charisma and ability. If before him [Cuauhtemoc] Cardenas used the government [of Mexico City] as a trampoline for the presidency, so has Lopez Obrador, but with greater skill and fortune..."
He accused Cuauhtemoc Cardenasof now being an employee of President Vicente
Fox, and also attacked his son, "the pathetic Lazaro Cardenas Batel, today governor of a Michoacan controlled by the narcotrafico."
El Cuauhtémoc del mañana no puede ser sino el Cuauhtémoc de ayer. En eso por lo menos parece ser congruente y será, desde luego, absolutamente congruente y será candi¬dato del PRD a ocupar nada menos que la presidencia de México, “El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" es el represen¬tante del nepotismo que practicó en cuanto puesto público llegó a través de elección po¬pular o sin ella.
“EL Cuauhtémoc de ayer" no tuvo empacho en ocupar simultáneamente dos puestos públicos, dos nombramientos incompatibles entre sí "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" incurrió en graves deficiencias administrativas y contables durante sus diferentes cargos oficiales. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" abandona en La Insolvencia a varias dependencias que le había sido encomendadas. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" otorgó canonjías a parientes, tíos, primos y amigos como sí el patrimonio del Estado fuera de su propiedad. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer” atrasó marcadamente el desarrollo educativo de Michoacán cuando prohibió la Instalación de unidades profesionales de la Universidad La Salle y el Instituto Tecnológico I de Monterrey. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" emitió decretos de congelación de rentas que se tradujeron en una elevación sustancial de los precios de arrendamiento de vivienda, frenó la construcción de casas habitación y estimuló LA aparición de invasiones y asentamientos humanos irregulares en los principales centros urbanos de Michoacán. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" decretó una ley que desapareció el Consejo Universitario, provocó una prolongada huelga estudiantil y laboral, así como la designación de rectores paralelos, es decir, le dio cabida indiscutiblemente al CAOS académico al final de su mandato "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" congeló las tarifas de transporte urbano de pasajeros que, al privar debido mantenimiento a los autobuses en razón de la descapitalización natural, hizo de la ciudad de Morelia una urbe con las mismas dificultades de transportación que una del África septentrional. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" dio de baja a catorce de dieciséis magistrados designando a los nuevos funcionarios Judiciales con arreglo al nepotismo y a la cercanía política. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" aumentó sustancialmente el gasto corriente mediante la expansión del aparato burocrático, la creación de un mayor numero de puestos de nivel superior y el incremento del sueldo y prestaciones de los funcionarios. "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" recaudo Todo fondos para adquirir instalaciones de la petroquímica secundaria depositando los recursos aportados de buena fe por el público en cuentas partícula rea, cuyo destino se desconoce. ¿Qué tal "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer“? ¿Por qué ha de ser distinto del de mañana? Si "El Cuauhtémoc de ayer" disfrutó practicó el nepotismo, no tuvo empacho en ocupar dos puestos públicos incompatibles simultáneamente incurrió en malos manejos administrativos y contables, abandonó quebrados organismos paraestatales, atraso educativamente a Michoacán desquicio la estructura de precios de arrendamiento de vivienda, provoco invasiones y asentamientos humanos Irregulares, ocasiono huelgas estudiantiles y caos académico. Inutilizo el sistema de transportas de Morelia, designo arbitrariamente funcionarios
Judiciales para asegurar su incondicionalidad DESEQUILIBRO las finanzas publicas del estado al expandir el aparato burocrático incrementando desproporcionada mente los sueldos y recaudo fondos de particulares, cuyo destino bien valdría la pena conocer, no es difícil en este caso suponer cuál será la suerte de la ciudad
De México si un candidato con semejantes debilidades morales, administrativas e incapacidad política. Llega a ser nada Menos que Jefe del Departamento del Distrito Federal nadie que vaya a emitir su voto a favor de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas puede NI debe ignorar SUS antecedentes públicos para estar en condiciones de elegir responsable a la persona que habrá de conducir el destino de esta gran urbe, la cabeza del país, que de venirse abajo por Incapacidad, ausencia de previsión, intolerancia, apatía, negligencia o terquedad o todos sus elementos juntos? Podría ocasionar un severo daño al resto de la nación que contempla atónica la suene política dé la capital de la República.
La biografía política de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Solórzano tiene tres etapas claramente definidas a partir de su mayoría de edad. En la primera etapa de 1959 a 1969, ocupó cargos públicos en organismos federales. En la segunda a solicitud de su mama fue favorecido por el presidente López Portillo quien en un lapso de menos de tres años lo propuso como candidato a senador lo nombró subsecretario Fores¬tal y de la Fauna e Inclinó el fiel de la ba¬lanza a su favor para que fuera gobernador de Michoacán. La tercera etapa de 1987 a 1997 es la lucha desesperada y vió¬lenla para que se le sean reconocidos sus derechos de heredero de la Presidencia de México. Como detalles personales de su personalidad valdría la pena no perder de vista que el Cuauhtémoc de hoy se hizo re¬tratar con Marcos en la selva chiapaneca. Más aún. Durante la visita del Papa Juan Pablo II a México. Cárdenas pidió que aquél fuera expulsado del territorio nacio¬nal por considerarlo un extranjero inde¬seable. ¿Qué tal? ¿Ya se le olvidó lo ante¬rior a este hermoso pueblo sin memoria?.
Cuauhtémoc, como beneficiario directo del nepotismo, fue secretario del Comité Técnico del Rió Balsas de 1959 al 62. Más tarde, fue director de Estudios de la mis¬ma comisión. Simultáneamente fue nom¬brado en 1964 residente de la construcción de la presa "La Villita". Obra que fuera a cargo de la CFE. Este doble nombramiento de director y residente, es decir, el ejer¬cicio de dos empleos al mismo tiempo le reportaron evidentes ventajas lucrativas al joven Cárdenas. También se desempeño como subdirector de la Siderurgica Las Truchas,
Cuando Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas fue director del Fideicomiso Lázaro Cárdenas se registraron graves deficiencias administrativas y contables, al extremo de que no fue posible conocer el monto y distribución de las inversiones que se realizaron, en virtud de no existir la do¬cumentación suficiente para apoyar las operaciones realizadas, según consta en diversas auditorias practicadas por di¬versos despachos de profesionales. El in¬geniero Cárdenas debería explicar ante la opinión pública si es que es cierto que se cobraron obras de almacenamiento de agua sin haberse éstas aparentemen¬te ejecutadas. El fideicomiso quedó insta¬lado en el caos a su salida ya que tam¬poco se ha podido precisar el número, tipo y localización de las obras, pues los contratos no establecen lugar donde se efectuarían ni se proporcionó informa¬ción sobre la terminación de las mismas. ¿Qué pasó con el dinero y las obras? El electorado se merece una explicación.
Como un detalle adicional de su ges¬tión como administrador, el fideicomiso a su cargo no pudo cumplir sus adeudos ni con Nafinsa ni con Banobras. El es¬tado de insolvencia fue total. ¿Qué tal su papel como administrador?
Siendo director del fideicomiso antes citado otorgó un contrato de maquila al señor Francisco Batel, suegro de Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, por un total de casi dos millones ochocientos mil pesos, de los cuales el propio señor Batel presentó recibos sin requisitos fiscales, es decir, documentación hecha sobre la rodilla, inútil para efectos tributarios y particularmente útil para efectos defraúdantes. Además de lo anterior renovó una concesión a su abuela Albertina Bravo viuda de Solórzano para disfrutar 6,000 metros cúbicos de madera de oyamel. Extendió permisos de aprovechamiento forestal a tíos y primos como el caso de la com¬pañía maderera La Guadiana por un pla¬zo de 20 años cuando la ley solamente autorizaba diez... Otorgó facilidades ad¬ministrativas a Clotilde Solórzano Bravo, a Lázaro y Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas Bravo y a Virginia, Victoria y Susana Solórzano Bravo para explotar los predios "El Ci¬prés" y "Huirimangatío", así como be¬neficio a su propia madre y a Alejandro Solórzano mediante la entrega del predio Los Ajolotes en el Municipio de Hidalgo. ¿Cómo olvidar además la venta de dos hectáreas de terreno en el lugar denominado playa Eréndira, en el Municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán, nada menos que a su mamá doña Amalia Solórzano viuda de Cárdenas? ¿Más? ¿Toda vía más? Cárdenas no sólo vendió a su mamá importantes cantidades de terreno a través de maniobras poco claras sino también a su suegro el señor Fran¬cisco Martins Batel, quien es poseedor de casi siete mil metros en la misma playa, al igual que Celeste Batel de Cárde¬nas, su esposa, posee un predio de doce hectáreas denominado Las Lagunas en el municipio de Lázaro Cárdenas. Por si fuera poco lo anterior cuando Cárdenas fue gobernador nombró a Jor¬ge Solórzano, su primo, como director de la Casa de la Artesanías; a Sergio Bátiz Solórzano, también su primo, como se¬cretario de Programación y Presupuesto de la entidad y amigos incondicionales como Jesús Oregel, como jefe de com¬pras del Gobierno del Estado.
Promulgó una ley estatal de educación para frenar el crecimiento de plante¬les escolares propiedad de particulares vinculados a la Iglesia católica, como si hubiera una sobreoferta de aulas y pupi¬tres en Michoacán y en el resto del país. ¿Qué tal cuando prohibió que la Univer¬sidad La Salle y el Tec de Monterrey se asentaran en Michoacán como si no se supiera que donde hay universidades y tecnológicos de esa naturaleza se dan abiertamente las posibilidades de desa¬rrollo económico. ¿Respuesta? Se opuso a La Salle y al Tec. La ley inquilinaria provocó invasiones y asentamientos humanos en los principales centros urbanos del estado. El Cuauhtémoc gobernador desquició a la universi¬dad, a los transportes, a la administración de justicia y a las finanzas públicas, ade¬más de patrocinar grupos de choque que produjeron un imponente malestar.
Valdría la pena preguntarle a nuestro famoso poeta Hornero Aridjis cuál es su opinión después de que fue cesado violen¬tamente por el gobernador Cárdenas después de que éste se negó a realizar el festi¬val internacional de la poesía en Morelia y | le pidió a Aridjis que, a pesar de que los colegas de este último ya estaban en Mé¬xico, volvieran sin más a sus países de ori¬gen. Aridjis cesado, pudo, sin embargo, salvar el prestigio nacional de México apoyado por poetas mexicanos e instituciones que coadyuvaron a la realización del evento. El arte y la cultura del Distrito Federal en manos de Cuauhtémoc Cárde¬nas no sería por lo visto muy aconsejable o mejor dicho, nada aconsejable o totalmente desaconsejable.
Los asentamientos irregulares que aparecieron en las ciudades michoacanas de Morelia, Uruapan, Zamora y Lázaro Cárdenas como consecuencia de la ley inquilinaria hizo que surgieran organizaciones radicales como "Tierra y Libertad" o la "Unión Popular Solidaria" que acabaron por desquiciar las finanzas municipales. Como si no fuera suficiente lo anterior proliferaron las casas del estudiante originadas por la invasión de inmuebles de particulares tanto en Morelia como en Uruapan, invasiones que fueron promovidas por la administración cardenista que impulsó a organizaciones estudiantiles como la Federación Nacional, de Organizaciones Bolcheviques a reivindicar a los estudiantes universitarios rechazados. ¿Ya no es incendiario? ¿Y Marcos?
Como fundador y director de la empresa INDE, S.A. y Constructora INDE
Conductores, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas fue contratista de PEMEX en aproximadamente quince importantes contratos en los que destacan la construcción de un gasoducto entre Tabasco y Veracruz; la construcción de una planta de amoniaco en Salamanca, Guanajuato; la instalación de un poliducto de doscientos sesenta y nueve kilómetros entre Zacatecas y Coahuila, otro de trescientos cuarenta kilómetros entre Monterrey y Durango, entre otras plantas hidrodesulfaradoras de diesil y turbosina en Salamanca y Minatitlan, respectivamente. Lo anterior viene al caso porque su padre el general Cárdenas afirmó el 29 de enero de 1967 que "el tiempo aclarará que Cuauhtémoc no es contratista. Ni él ni yo vamos a manchar la ejecutoria de 1934-1940". Todo permite suponer que don Lázaro desconocía las evidencias documentales que acreditan a Cuauhtémoc como contratista. ¿Qué hubiera dicho de él?
La demolición de las minas de Inguarán municipio de la Huacana donde laboraban más de mil trabajadores, siendo Cuauhtémoc Gobernador de Michoacán les negó per¬misos para continuar trabajando porque eran extranjeros dio manos librea a los obreros quienes se quedaron sin trabajo, dedicándo¬se a destruir toda la unidad habitacional para extraer la varilla y venderla lo mismo hicieron con basculas, albercas y tuberías subterráneas de una a diez pulgadas de diá¬metro emporio de trabajo lo convirtió Cuauhtémoc en ruinas como a la fecha se puede apreciar. Consideran que se requieren alre¬dedor de Mil Millones de pesos actuales pa¬ra volver a recuperar esa empresa.
Si Cuauhtémoc es amante del nepotismo, ocupó simultáneamente dos puestos, incurrió en malos manejos administrativos, quebró organismos paraestatales, y atrasó procesos educativos, desquició el arrendamiento de viviendas, provocó invasiones y asentamientos irregulares, ocasionó huelgas estudiantiles y caos académico, inutilizó el sistema de trans¬portes de su estado, patrocinó grupos in¬cendiarios, pasó por encima del poder judicial, desequilibró las finanzas públicas, y mostró hasta la saciedad su incapacidad, su falta de habilidad como gobernante de Michoacán, ¿qué esperan del Cuauhtémoc del mañana quienes piensan votar por él a pesar de sus antecedentes demostrables como funcionario Público?
Quien vote por Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas no debe sorprenderse ni por el nepotismo, ni por los malos manejos, ni por la influencia de su madre en los asuntos públicos, ni por la quiebra de paraestatales propiedad del Departamento del Distrito Federal, ni que la ciudad de México se vaya otros cuarenta años para atrás si se vuelve a legislar en materia de rentas congeladas, ni del caos urbano por una parálisis del sistema de transportes de la capital de la República, ni del desequili¬brio de las finanzas públicas del Depar¬tamento, ni de la demagogia ni de la des¬trucción cultural de nuestra ciudad.
Todos tenemos datos para comprobar la gestión de Cárdenas. Todos pueden comprobar sus antecedentes y si a pesar de eso lo favorecen con su voto nadie po¬drá tener derecho a reclamar nada, ab¬solutamente nada. Lo que nos espera es claro y transparente. Sólo esperaremos que la residencia oficial de Los Pinos no aparezca un día heredada a un Cárdenas ya que Cuauhtémoc siempre alegó que por el hecho de haber nacido en ese lu¬gar, por derecho natural y político le co¬rresponde volver por gravedad a dicha residencia.
¿Quién votará por Cárdenas? ¿Necesi¬taremos más pruebas para saber quién son los Cárdenas del mañana?
WHO IS REALLY CARDINAL RED CUAUHTÉMOC SOLORZANO? The Cuauhtémoc the morning cannot be but the Cuauhtémoc of yesterday. In that at least it seems to be congruente and he will be, of course, absolutely congruente and will be candi¬dato of the PRD to occupy nothing less than the presidency of Mexico, "the Cuauhtémoc of" is yesterday the represen¬tante of the nepotism that practiced as soon as put public it arrived through election to po¬pular or without her. "the Cuauhtémoc of" did not have shyness in occupying two positions simultaneously yesterday public, two incompatible appointments to each other "the Cuauhtémoc of" incurred serious administrative and countable deficiencies yesterday during its different official positions. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday leaves in the Insolvency several dependencies that had been entrusted him. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday granted canonries to relatives, uncles, cousins and friends like himself the patrimony of the State outside its property. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday retarded noticeably the educative development of Michoacán when it prohibited the Installation of professional units of the University the Salle and Technological Institute I of Monterrey. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday emitted decrees of freezing of rents that were translated in a substantial elevation of the prices of house renting, it restrained the construction of houses room and stimulated the irregular appearance of invasions and slumses in the main urban centers of Michoacán. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday decreed a law that disappeared the University Council, it caused one prolonged student and labor strike, as well as the designation of parallel directors, that is to say, it unquestionably gave to capacity to the academic CHAOS at the end of his mandate "the Cuauhtémoc him of" yesterday congealed the tariffs of urban transport of passengers who, when prevailing due maintenance to the buses in regard to the natural descapitalización, made of the city of Morelia a large city with the same difficulties of transportation that one of northern Africa. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday terminated to fourteen of sixteen magistrates designating to the new Judicial civil employees con.arreglo. to the nepotism and to the political proximity. "the Cuauhtémoc of" yesterday increased substantially the current cost by means of the expansion of the bureaucratic apparatus, the creation of the greater one I number of positions of superior level and the increase of the pay and benefits of the civil employees. "the Cuauhtémoc of" collection All bottoms to acquire facilities of petrochemical the secondary one yesterday depositing the contributed resources of good faith by the public in accounts particle criminal, whose destiny is not known. What so "the Cuauhtémoc of yesterday"? Why it has to be different from the one morning? If "the Cuauhtémoc of" enjoyed yesterday practiced the nepotism, it did not have shyness in occupying two positions incompatible public simultaneously incurred bad administrative handlings and countable, it left broken paraestatales organisms, delay educative to Michoacán disorder the structure of prices of house renting, I cause invasions and Irregular slumses, I cause student strikes and academic chaos. I make unusable the system of you transport of Morelia, I designate Judicial civil employees arbitrarily to assure its incondicionalidad I UNBALANCE the finances you publish of the state when expanding the bureaucratic apparatus increasing out of proportion mind the pays and collection bottoms of individuals, whose affluent destiny would be worth the trouble to know, is not difficult in this case of supposing which will be the luck of the city Of Mexico if a candidate with similar moral, administrative weaknesses and political incapacity. It less gets to be nothing than Head of the Department of the Cardinal red Federal District nobody that is going to emit its vote in favor of Cuauhtémoc can NOR must ignore HIS antecedent public to be able to choose responsible the person that will be to lead the destiny of this great large city, the head of the country, that to come down by Incapacity, together absence of forecast, intolerancia, apathy, negligence or terquedad or all its elements? It could cause a severe damage to the rest of the nation that contemplates atónica sounds policy gives the capital to it of the Republic. Cardinal red the CUAUHTEMOC Of legal age the political biography of Cuauhtémoc Solórzano has three defined stages clearly from their majority of age. In the first stage from 1959 to 1969, it held positions public in federal agencies. In the second a request of its breast Opening was favored by president Lopez that in a lapse of less than three years proposed it as candidate to senator named Fores¬tal undersecretary and of the Fauna and Inclined the faithful of ba¬lanza to its favor so that outside governor of Michoacán. The third stage from 1987 to 1997 is the desperate fight and vió¬lenla so that their rights of heir of the Presidency of Mexico have been recognized him. As personal details of their personality would be worth the trouble not to lose of Vista that the Cuauhtémoc of today was made re¬tratar with Marks in the forest chiapaneca. Still more. During the visit of the Pope Juan Pablo II to Mexico. Cardinal red he requested that that one outside expelled from the nacio¬nal territory to consider it a foreigner inde¬seable. How is everything? The ante¬rior to this beautiful town without memory already forgot to him. CUAUHTEMOC and the Cuauhtémoc NEPOTISM, like direct beneficiary of the nepotism, were secretary of the Technical Committee of Rio' Rafts from 1959 to the 62. Later, commission was director of Studies of mis¬ma. Simultaneously the Villita was nom¬brado in 1964 resident of the construction of the prey "". Work that outside in charge of the CFE. This double appointment of director and resident, that is to say, the ejer¬cicio of two uses at the same time reported evident Cardinal red lucrative advantages to him to the young person. Also performance like assistant director of the Siderurgica the Trouts, CUAUHTEMOC ADMINISTRATOR When Cuauhtémoc Cardinal red was director of the Trust Lazaro Cardinal red registered serious administrative and countable deficiencies, to the end of which it was not possible to know the amount and distribution of the investments that were made, by virtue of not existing the do¬cumentación sufficient to support the operations conducted, according to consists in diverse audits practiced by di¬versos offices of professionals. The in¬geniero Cardinal red would have to explain before the public opinion if it is that it is certain that works of water storage were received without having these aparentemen¬te executed. The trust was insta¬lado in the chaos to its exit since tam¬poco has been able to need the number, type and location of works, because the contracts do not establish place where they would take place nor provided informa¬ción on the completion of the same ones. What passed with the money and works? The electorate deserves an explanation. Like an additional detail of its ges¬tión like administrator, the trust to its position could fulfill its debits neither with Nafinsa nor with Banobras. The es¬tado one of insolvency was total. What so its paper as administrator? CUAUHTEMOC and the NEPOTISM Being director of the trust before mentioned granted a contract of assembles to Mr. Francisco Small boat, Cardinal red father-in-law of Cuauhtémoc, by a total of almost two million eight hundred thousand pesos, of which own Mr. Batel presented/displayed receipts without fiscal requirements, that is to say, documentation done on the knee, useless for tributary effects and particularly useful for defraúdantes effects. In addition to the previous thing widow of Solórzano renewed a concession to her Brave Albertina grandmother to enjoy 6.000 cubic meters wood of oyamel. She extended permissions of forest advantage to uncles and cousins as the case of com¬pañía carpenter the Guadiana by pla¬zo of 20 years when the law only authorized ten... She granted ad¬ministrativas facilities to Clotilde Brave Solórzano, Cardinal red Lazaro and Brave Cuauhtémoc and Virginia, Victoria and Susana Brave to operate the estates "the Ci¬prés" and "Huirimangatío", as well as be¬neficio Solórzano to his own mother and Alexander Solórzano by means of the delivery of the estate the Axolotls in the Municipality of Hidalgo. How to forget in addition the sale to two hectares of land in the denominated place Eréndira beach, the Cardinal red Municipality of Lazaro, Michoacán, anything less than to its mother Doña Amalia Solórzano widow of Cardinal red? More? All route more? Cardinal red Mr. Fran¬cisco Martins not only sold to his mother important amounts of land through little clear maneuvers but also to her father-in-law Small boat, that is possessor of almost seven thousand meters in the same beach, like Celestial Small boat of Cárde¬nas, its wife, has an estate of twelve hectares denominated the Lagoons in the Cardinal red municipality of Lazaro. In case outside little previous when the Cardinal red thing went governor named to Jor¬ge Solórzano, its cousin, like director of the House of the Crafts; to Sergio Bátiz Solórzano, also its cousin, like se¬cretario of Programming and unconditional Budget of the organization and friends like Jesus Oregel, head of com¬pras of the Government of the State. GOVERNING CUAUHTEMOC Promulgated a state law of education to restrain the growth of plante¬les students property of tie individuals to the catholic Church, as if there was a sobresupply of classrooms and pupi¬tres in Michoacán and the rest of the country. What so when it prohibited that the Univer¬sidad the Salle and the Complexion of Monterrey were based in Michoacán as if did not know that where there are universities and technological of that nature they give the possibilities of desa¬rrollo openly economic. Answer? One was against to the Salle and the Complexion. The inquilinaria law caused invasions and slumses in the main urban centers of the state. The governing Cuauhtémoc disturbed to the universi¬dad, the transports, the administration of justice and the public finances, ade¬más to sponsor assault groups that produced an imposing malaise. CUAUHTEMOC PATRON Would be worth the trouble to ask to him our famous poet Hornero Aridjis which is its opinion after he was stopped violen¬tamente by the governor Cardinal red after this one refused to make the international festi¬val of the poetry in Morelia and | requested to him to Aridjis that, although the colleagues of this last one already were in Mé¬xico, returned immediately to their countries from ori¬gen. Stopped Aridjis, could, nevertheless, save national prestige of Mexico supported by Mexican poets and institutions that helped to the accomplishment of the event. The art and the culture of the Federal District into the hands of Cuauhtémoc Cárde¬nas would not be by the very advisable sight or rather, anything advisable or totally advise againstable. INCENDIARY CUAUHTEMOC the irregular establishments that appeared in the michoacanas cities of Cardinal red Morelia, Uruapan, Zamora and Lazaro as a result of the inquilinaria law caused that radical organizations like "Earth and Freedom" arose or the "Shared in common Popular Union" that finished disturbing the municipal finances. As if not outside sufficient the previous thing proliferated the houses of the student as much originated by the invasion of buildings of individuals in Morelia as in Uruapan, invasions that were promoted by the cardenista administration that it impelled to student organizations like the National Federation, of Organizations Bolsheviks to vindicate the rejected university students. No longer he is incendiary? And Marks? CUAUHTEMOC CONTRACTOR Like founder and director of the company INDE Conductive, S.A. and Constructor INDE, Cuauhtémoc Cardinal red was contractor of PEMEX in approximately fifteen important contracts in which they emphasize the construction of gasoducto between Tabasco and Veracruz; the construction of an ammonia plant in Salamanca, Guanajuato; the installation of poliducto of two hundred sixty and nine kilometers between Zacatecas and Coahuila, another one of three hundred forty kilometers between Monterrey and Durango, other hidrodesulfaradoras plants of diesil and turbosina in Salamanca and Minatitlan, respectively. The previous thing comes to the case because his father general Ca'rdenas affirmed the 29 of January of 1967 that "the time will clarify that Cuauhtémoc is not contractor. Neither he nor I am going to stain the executory one of 1934-1940 ". Everything allows to suppose that Don Lazaro did not know the documentary evidences that credit to Cuauhtémoc like contractor. What had said of him? DESTRUCTION OF the INGUARAN MINES the demolition of the mines of Inguarán municipality of the Huacana where thousand workers toiled more than, being Governing Cuauhtémoc of Michoacán denied per¬misos to them to continue working because they were foreign gave hands librea to the workers who remained without work, dedicándo¬se to destroy all the habitacional unit to extract the rod and to sell the same they did it with you tilt, ponds and underground pipes of one to ten inches of diá¬metro emporio of work turned Cuauhtémoc ruins as to the date it is possible to be appreciated. They consider that they require alre¬dedor of Billion present weights pa¬ra to return to recover that company. If Cuauhtémoc is loving of the nepotism, occupied two positions simultaneously, incurred bad administrative handlings, it broke paraestatales organisms, and it retarded educative processes, it disturbed the renting of houses, it caused invasions and irregular establishments, it caused student strikes and academic chaos, made unusable the system of trans¬portes of their state, sponsored in¬cendiarios groups, happened over the judicial power, it unbalanced the public finances, and it over and over again showed his incapacity, his lack of ability like governor of Michoacán, what hope of the Cuauhtémoc the morning who think to vote by him in spite of their demonstrable antecedents like Government official? Who votes by Cuauhtémoc Cardinal red does not have to be surprised neither by the nepotism, nor by the bad handlings, nor by the influence of its mother in the subjects public, nor by the bankruptcy of paraestatales property of the Department of the Federal District, nor that the city of Mexico goes away other forty years for back if it becomes to legislate in the matter of congealed rents, nor of the urban chaos by a paralysis of the system of transports of the capital of the Republic, nor of desequili¬brio of the public finances of the Depar¬tamento, nor of the demagoguery nor of the cultural des¬trucción of our city. All we have data to verify the management of Cardinal red. All can verify their antecedents and if in spite of that they favor with his vote nobody will po¬drá to right have to demand nothing, ab¬solutamente nothing. What it hopes to us is clear and transparent. We will only hope that the official residence of the Pines does not appear a day inherited to Cardinal red ones since Cuauhtémoc always alleged that by the fact of to have been born in that lu¬gar, by natural right and political him co¬rresponde to return by gravity to this residence. Who will vote by Cardinal red? Necesi¬taremos more tests to know who is the Cardinal red ones the morning?
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