September 11, 2006

Mexico: Rigged Elections and Popular Resistance

Thursday, September 21
Concord Café
937 Bloor Street West
(one block west of Ossington)

While the Mexican establishment and its international backers have crowned right-wing PAN candidate Felipe Calderón the new president of Mexico, a massive movement of resistance continues in the streets against what protestors consider to be an electoral fraud that has cheated centre-Left PRD candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador of victory.

Join us for an evening of information and discussion on these major developments in a country with which Canada has a growing number of ties, especially since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

We will be exploring a number of questions. Who exactly is the PAN, and in what ways does it differ from the PRI whose decades-old rule of the country came to an end in the year 2000? Who is López Obrador and how radical is the PRD? Where do the Zapatistas (EZLN) and Marcos fit into all this? What about the big protest movement in the southern state of Oaxaca? Finally, how does this wave of protest in Mexico fit in to the general shift towards resistance and left-wing ideas that we have been seeing across much of Latin America in recent years?

Ample time will be allotted for discussion. We want to foster an exchange of information and analysis between everyone present.

Latin American Solidarity Committee—Toronto


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