July 24, 2006

Communist Party of Venezuela ready to provide leadership in 21st Century Socialism

by Patrick J. O'Donoghue
Speaking at the opening of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) Twelfth Congress, Venezuelan Executive Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel says the debate on 21st Century Socialism is of vital importance.
Rangel maintains that activists attending the Congress must remember their commitment to President Hugo Chavez Frias, namely that the Party is not made up of some kind of bureaucrats but members who are active in a process that creates a political identity, an ideology and a spirituality.

New Socialism is an urgent task that needs attending, Rangel argues, especially now that it's time to deepen the revolution.

"If the debate is not fully assumed, then the revolutionary process runs the risk of suffering turbulence and could regress to an unacceptable state."


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