Call for CIPO-RFM Tour - West Coast and South West
Proposed Kick off in Los Angeles
Comrades and organizers on the west coast and the south west ask you to consider this information and the following proposal for a speaking tour of representatives of the CIPO-RFM in the metro areas of the North West and South West Regions.
If you feel you and/or your organization can participate in this tour in any way, be it by hosting a stop on the tour, fundraising, endorsement, networking, hosting a CIPO-RFM solidarity event or any other way, please contact us. Please forward this email to anybody you suspect might be interested in getting involved. There is more information available on the CIPO-RFM on their website (
To organize a stop in your city it would require you to do the fundraising, network with other interested community organizations in your city, provide translation for the speakers (from Spanish to English), provide transportation for the speakers and help move the speakers from their city to your city for the stop on the tour.
contact tour coordinators: Lucas Carter (Noth West) or Joaquin Cienfuegos (South West)
West Coast and South West Magonista Tour
-Proposed First stop of the tour – Los Angeles on April 29th and 30th -- Cultural Event with traditional Oaxacan music, and speakers on behalf of the CIPO-RFM
the Si Se Puede Labor Collective (of the Southern California Anarchist Federation [Los Angeles]), Industrial Workers of the World -- Los Angeles Branch, Anarchist Black Cross Federation --Los Angeles
Brothers and sisters:
Taking into account the importance of communicating directly with you to strengthen and to encourage our efforts, exchange experiences, to support each other in every way, to link our struggles and to accompany all initiatives, that is why we have proposed to do a tour through the US and Canada. Also, we want to rebuild the historic solidarity that has existed between the people of Canada and the US with those of Mexico, particularly with the struggles of the Magonistas who formed the Mexican Liberal Party. That is to say, we want a reunion with the neo Magonistas after almost 100 years of having initiated this collaboration, as it is shown by the history of the peoples who struggle. We will commission several members to spread the word of our communities and organization and to fulfill the following purposes:
a) To present a balance of the situation faced by the indigenous peoples of Mexico and particularly those of Oaxaca after four years of the Fox government and half a year of the government of Ulises Ruiz.
b) To spread the organizational project of the Magonistas of the CIPO-RFM, our forms of resistance and struggle, as well as the way in which we are making possible our space, a world different than the one now, with Autonomy, self management, and self determination as a compass.
c) To organize committees of support for our struggle, our communities and organization, or even to establish networks to stop the harassment, the violence, the repression as well as how to resolve community problems of development, health, housing, education, training, human rights, etc., for the communities of the CIPO-RFM but for others as well.
d) To create relations with networks, with unions, collectives, foundations, people with good hearts, and other groups and associations, of support that already exist, and to elaborate with them, a specific work plan, according to their disposition, compromise, and possibilities.
e) To establish agreements of collaboration and exchange with the foundations, associations, unions, organizations, universities, and all of those who can and have the disposition to collaborate with our projects, to provide technical, economic, or any other kind of support.
f) To build agreements of commercialization of the products produced by our communities, clay craftwork, textiles; organic honey and coffee; mole and chocolate.
g) To orchestrate the common international support, for the organization and the representatives of the CIPO-RFM. In order to accomplish all of the above, we believe only
These are the ways you can help support us, both for the tour and in the future:
1) To Organize meetings, talks, interviews etc., in different locations in your area with: organizations, foundations, means of communication, universities, people, intellectuals, artists, religious people, women, young people, gays, old people, workers, teachers, business people, etc. That implies the propaganda, the local spaces, etc.
2) To establish contact with other places where activities such as the above can take place.
3) To coordinate our agenda in each of those places. In this point, do not worry, we are used to working 24 hours a day.
4) To help us with the costs during our stay, meals, and transportation to the next place of activities, including the costs of getting to the US and Canada. Since the tour depends on the invitations, we will not reject any invitation; we just ask that that you let us know what activity shall take place in each location, so that we can come prepared. The idea is that you organize yourselves internally to define what day will be help in the certain place and what will be done there.
We are convinced that without your help, this activity will be impossible to accomplish, that is why we ask for your support. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that
your responses will be favorable, we send you a red and black hug, that is to say, searching for a way to meet our goals. For the reconstruction and free association of our
peoples The organizing Committee of the CIPO-RFM
Dolores Villalobos
General Coordination Area
Proposed speaking tour for the Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magón in the South West and West Coast united states. The CIPO-RFM is an autonomous organization of indigenous and non-indigenous people who ally themselves with the struggle for indigenous rights and social justice all over the world.The Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca – Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM) is an autonomous organization of indigenous and non-indigenous people who ally themselves with the struggle for indigenous rights and social justice all over the world. They work for a world based on self-determination, equality, direct democracy, and mutual aid for all through various projects and campaigns ranging from cooperative businesses, to educational programs, to cultural projects to mobilizing against the oppressive power structure. The hundreds of members of the CIPO-RFM take action in their daily lives to create the new world they carry in their hearts. Since its birth, the CIPO-RFM has suffered terrible repression. Members have been attacked, jailed and even murdered by the government. Currently there are 16 members in prison. With support and pressure from the public, twelve others have been freed.
Comrades and organizers on the west coast and the south west ask you to consider this information and the following proposal for a speaking tour of representatives of the CIPO-RFM in the metro areas of the North West and South West Regions.
If you feel you and/or your organization can participate in this tour in any way, be it by hosting a stop on the tour, fundraising, endorsement, networking, hosting a CIPO-RFM solidarity event or any other way, please contact us. Please forward this email to anybody you suspect might be interested in getting involved. There is more information available on the CIPO-RFM on their website (
To organize a stop in your city it would require you to do the fundraising, network with other interested community organizations in your city, provide translation for the speakers (from Spanish to English), provide transportation for the speakers and help move the speakers from their city to your city for the stop on the tour.
contact tour coordinators: Lucas Carter (Noth West) or Joaquin Cienfuegos (South West)
West Coast and South West Magonista Tour
-Proposed First stop of the tour – Los Angeles on April 29th and 30th -- Cultural Event with traditional Oaxacan music, and speakers on behalf of the CIPO-RFM
the Si Se Puede Labor Collective (of the Southern California Anarchist Federation [Los Angeles]), Industrial Workers of the World -- Los Angeles Branch, Anarchist Black Cross Federation --Los Angeles
Brothers and sisters:
Taking into account the importance of communicating directly with you to strengthen and to encourage our efforts, exchange experiences, to support each other in every way, to link our struggles and to accompany all initiatives, that is why we have proposed to do a tour through the US and Canada. Also, we want to rebuild the historic solidarity that has existed between the people of Canada and the US with those of Mexico, particularly with the struggles of the Magonistas who formed the Mexican Liberal Party. That is to say, we want a reunion with the neo Magonistas after almost 100 years of having initiated this collaboration, as it is shown by the history of the peoples who struggle. We will commission several members to spread the word of our communities and organization and to fulfill the following purposes:
a) To present a balance of the situation faced by the indigenous peoples of Mexico and particularly those of Oaxaca after four years of the Fox government and half a year of the government of Ulises Ruiz.
b) To spread the organizational project of the Magonistas of the CIPO-RFM, our forms of resistance and struggle, as well as the way in which we are making possible our space, a world different than the one now, with Autonomy, self management, and self determination as a compass.
c) To organize committees of support for our struggle, our communities and organization, or even to establish networks to stop the harassment, the violence, the repression as well as how to resolve community problems of development, health, housing, education, training, human rights, etc., for the communities of the CIPO-RFM but for others as well.
d) To create relations with networks, with unions, collectives, foundations, people with good hearts, and other groups and associations, of support that already exist, and to elaborate with them, a specific work plan, according to their disposition, compromise, and possibilities.
e) To establish agreements of collaboration and exchange with the foundations, associations, unions, organizations, universities, and all of those who can and have the disposition to collaborate with our projects, to provide technical, economic, or any other kind of support.
f) To build agreements of commercialization of the products produced by our communities, clay craftwork, textiles; organic honey and coffee; mole and chocolate.
g) To orchestrate the common international support, for the organization and the representatives of the CIPO-RFM. In order to accomplish all of the above, we believe only
These are the ways you can help support us, both for the tour and in the future:
1) To Organize meetings, talks, interviews etc., in different locations in your area with: organizations, foundations, means of communication, universities, people, intellectuals, artists, religious people, women, young people, gays, old people, workers, teachers, business people, etc. That implies the propaganda, the local spaces, etc.
2) To establish contact with other places where activities such as the above can take place.
3) To coordinate our agenda in each of those places. In this point, do not worry, we are used to working 24 hours a day.
4) To help us with the costs during our stay, meals, and transportation to the next place of activities, including the costs of getting to the US and Canada. Since the tour depends on the invitations, we will not reject any invitation; we just ask that that you let us know what activity shall take place in each location, so that we can come prepared. The idea is that you organize yourselves internally to define what day will be help in the certain place and what will be done there.
We are convinced that without your help, this activity will be impossible to accomplish, that is why we ask for your support. We look forward to hearing from you, and hope that
your responses will be favorable, we send you a red and black hug, that is to say, searching for a way to meet our goals. For the reconstruction and free association of our
peoples The organizing Committee of the CIPO-RFM
Dolores Villalobos
General Coordination Area
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