May 11, 2006

Resounding victory against the empire and irrefutable proof of Cuba’s international prestige

CUBA was today elected onto the Human Rights Council, a recently established body that replaces the discredited Human Rights Commission. Cuba’s candidacy received support from 135 of the 191 member nations of the United Nations. The United States failed in its objective of preventing Cuba from occupying a seat on the most important body specializing in human rights within the UN system.

This is yet another corroboration of the growing international support for Cuba, both for its revelations and resistance to the superpower’s attempts at imperialist domination and for the struggle that it wages daily, together with the nations of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and all those who have made their own the demands for peace, justice, development, equity and solidarity. It was those countries, in their immense majority of the South, and who appreciate the active efforts by our country in defense of the causes that our peoples share, who made Cuba’s presence possible on the Human Rights Council as a founding member.


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