May 23, 2006

For all the boasting the USA is the most regressive country in the world...

Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 00:34:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dr Robert Millward
Subject: What's wrong with healthcare for all

I enjoyed Mary MacElveen's article and it brought to mind some experiences I have had. As an international physician, I have worked all over the world and have seen good and bad things as you can well imagine.

I worked in the UK, Canada, Australia as well as other countries that provide "socialized health care."

For the most part the system works, but more importantly everyone is treated the same. Sure, there are specialized private facilities where the rich can bypass the queue and get treatment faster than the poorer people. But, no one is left behind and forgotten. No one is put into bankruptcy because a family member becomes ill and needs treatment.

For all the boasting the USA does in the international press, I believe it is the most regressive country in the world.

Someday ... I hope sooner than later ... perhaps the brain deficient majority of people in the USA will rise up and demand fair treatment and less government in their lives.

Keep up the positive journalism!


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