May 18, 2006

Fascist Trends Against Immigrants Denounced

Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon highlighted the increase of xenophobic, racist and fascist trends against immigrants in the US, with his intervention on a seminar on Problems of the World"s Population in the 21st Century.

Alarcon said the migratory problem is one of the crucial phenomena in the world today and even in the future, and criticized the actions of the US government, which militarized its border to stop illegal entries.

He spoke about a study made by US Central Intelligence Agency in 2000, about an evaluation of the migratory impact in the European Union, which predicted deep changes in the European culture up to 2015, something quite evident in the US.

He stated that it is a reality, not too much properly spoken about, and with no political dimension, and that industrialized countries need the immigrants´ labor force.

He mentioned the growing force of immigrants in US, as for instance during the celebration of protesting activities on May Day.

In the seminar, Chilean expert Miguel Villa Soto, from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, spoke about demographic transition influenced by inequality and social and economic vulnerability.

Expert Diego E. Gonzalez, from the Cuban Population and Development Study Center, made a reflection on the demographic dynamics of Cuba, which registers similar patterns to developed countries, with a marked aging of the Cuban population and a low fertility rate.

This international seminar, which will finish on Friday, had debates on other topics linked to the Objectives of the Millennium and the Caribbean demographic transition.


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