May 14, 2006

Chavez: Let´s Save the World

May 13
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias has urged youth to save the world, in a huge rally the people of Vienna will always remember in their live.

Supporting the call by the organization "Hands off Cuba and Venezuela," more than four thousand youths gathered in front of an old factory turned into a cultural stage to listen to the words of Chavez and Aleida Guevara, daughter of heroic guerrilla fighter Ernesto Che Guevara.

In an emotive address, Aleida Guevara referred to the concept of freedom and parodied some popular American songs to urge youths to jointly seek it, always fighting to victory.

Chavez spoke about the need to save the world and humankind, which is threatened by many dangers, mainly the US imperialism.

He accused the US of pushing the world into a new type of war, the so-called preventive war, and made it clear that as they were meeting in Vienna, the "empire" was bombing Iraq.

On this moment, Pentagon generals are plotting aggression plans against nations such as Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, and their marines are staging war games in the Caribbean, the Venezuelan leader noted.

Many elderly people said it is been more than 25 years since so many people gathered there, which proves the reputation and power call of the Venezuelan and Cuban revolutions.


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