April 20, 2006

US denies claims that naval maneuvers are intended to intimidate

The United States Tuesday rejected claims that naval maneuvers in the Caribbean are intended to intimidate President Hugo Chávez' Government or other administrations in the region, and insisted that the two-month deployment "Partnership of the Americas" has been launched for purposes of training and cooperation in the region.

"I know this (Venezuelan) Government has voiced concern, but all I can tell you is that Partnership of the Americas is not focused on any particular country," lieutenant Chris Loundermon, a spokesman for the US Southern Command based in Miami, told AFP.

The deployment of a combat group including aircraft carrier USS George Washington and other three warships, and 6,500 sailors, until the end of May comes at a time of increasing US concerns about Chávez' attempts at politically influencing the region.

Maneuvers are "focused on the region, on promoting cooperation with the Armed Forces of other nations so that they can learn on how we conduct sea operations, and for us to see how they conduct maritime operations, and also for training purposes," Loundermon said.

The operation involves different levels of military cooperation with Colombia, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago.


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