United States government liars are an embarrassment to the people of the USA
Let us take a quick look at what John Negroponte, National Intelligence Director for the USA has to say about Venezuela. As I have mentioned on several previous occasions, the pre-elections "war" (as is so typical of USA rhetoric) against Chavez is now in full swing. Earlier this year Condoleezza Rice expressed her well-concocted "concerns" about Venezuela ... about Chavez.
Now, John Negroponte has come into the family photo album of anti-democracy conspirators ... meaning, the US politicians, diplomats, operatives, media people, "Christians" and bureaucrats who are in the rank and file of those who are out to "get rid of Chavez," even though Chavez was democratically elected by his own people.

In a recent VHeadline.com report, Negroponte stamps on US-Venezuela Valentine Day rapprochement, Negroponte expresses that, "if Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias wins elections in December, then the opposition will sink into oppression."
Negroponte, what is your problem?
It was the US-financed Venezuelan opposition who, all by themselves, retreated from the December 2005 National Assembly elections ... scurrying away like frightened rats ... and sinking into their own self-created "oppression." They basically backstabbed themselves. Chavez is not or has not oppressed any part of the Venezuelan opposition.
* If they can't win votes, there must be reason, no? Think about it.
It isn't Chavez' fault that they cannot win the votes they need or desire! If they retreat from the upcoming presidential elections (December 2006), it will just go to show that they are solely responsible, as usual, for their miserable (but deserved) fate.
He then asserts, " ... The Venezuelan President ... is prepared to use his control over the National Assembly (AN) and other institutions to continue restricting the opposition, press freedoms ... 'the measures are technically legal but restrict democracy.' "
What is Negroponte talking about?
What restrictions on the opposition?
What restrictions on "press freedom?"
As usual, coming from the frothing mouths of the rabid monotrons who drone their way through the US government system, Negroponte, former US ambassador to IRAQ (!) and now head of US intelligence (the CIA director reports to him!), provides no verifiable examples of what he means. The fact is that there is no restriction of freedom of the press in Venezuela. I challenge anyone out there to provide one single example of such flagrant and irresponsible accusations or insinuations. Hey, sounds like Iraq all over again ... lies, lies, lies ... and no proof or evidence whatsoever...
Great intelligence work, fellas!
And ... restrict democracy? What does he mean? How does Chavez or any of the laws approved by the elected National Assembly constitute a restriction of democracy, in any sense of the word? Negroponte's words are absurd, in the true sense of the word: so clearly untrue or unreasonable as to be laughable or ridiculous (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1988).
Negroponte, along with Condoleezza Rice, Bush, Otto Reich and the rest of the US government's liars are an embarrassment to the people of the USA.
* How can the people of the USA allow such ruthless liars to lead their country. If this continues, these "leaders" will lead the people of the USA into oblivion, and a very messy one at that.
Lies such as theirs should not be permitted ... but, hey, lying is not a crime in the "value" system of the grand USA ... just as assassinating innocent women and children in the name of the white God of the USA is not a crime. In some parts of the USA, it is a criminal offense for two teenagers, if one is under 16 years of age, to make love ... but owning guns and making, selling and buying violent video games for your children is not a crime.
I am absolutely sure that Negroponte and the rest of the anti-Chavez movement will never provide readers with any examples of what it is they truly mean with regard to their statements. Where are the examples? Where are the explanations? The dates, the numbers, the facts? We already know that the criminal US invasion of Iraq lacked (and still lacks) all facts, examples or verifiable information to justify the criminal US aggression against an innocent population.

Are we now to believe the blood-covered words of the fork-tongued monobots from the US government's drone-incubation machine? Does Negroponte and his cronies think that the people of the USA are that stupid? That they will again fall into the IRAQ-trap of believing what they say?
(I just thought about something ... these people, Rice, Negroponte, etc., probably make hefty salaries! They actually get paid to lie. The better a liar you are, the more money you can make? Great career choice ... great example for your children! Here son, let me teach you how to become amongst the best liars in the world. This will guarantee you a top government job ... and if you are a good enough liar, you could even aspire to become president of our great country!)
VHeadline.com reports, "The Intelligence director says he believes that Chavez Frias' objective is to undermine US influence in the region and unify Latin America under his leftwing Bolivarian ideology. "
Oh! What a pity! Chavez wants to undermine US influence in the region? Too bad, Negroponte! Too bad! US influence should be eradicated from the face of the earth ... it is poison, a cancer, a morbid pool of blood-covered body parts masquerading as a happy democracy. US influence should be challenged, not only in Venezuela, but throughout the entire world.
* The world does not need the USA!
* The world does not want the USA!
Can't they get the message through their depleted uranium craniums?
If the USA were truly democratic, they would hold a world referendum on this question ... and I guarantee you that they would only muster about 20% true support. If they were democratic, they would abide by the results of a worldwide referendum which would tell the USA, with at least 60% world support, "Get out, go home ... and stay home. We don't need nor want you."
As long as people like Negroponte, Rice, and the rest of those cold-blooded creatures continue to spit out their lies and their words of aggression, we will continue to throw their words back at them ... asking for examples, explanations and verifiable information to support their mindless rhetoric! Go home and stay home, tend to your lovely flowers.
Hey, while you are at it, spread some human-remains-based fertilizer on them ... you should have plenty at your disposal.
Now, John Negroponte has come into the family photo album of anti-democracy conspirators ... meaning, the US politicians, diplomats, operatives, media people, "Christians" and bureaucrats who are in the rank and file of those who are out to "get rid of Chavez," even though Chavez was democratically elected by his own people.

In a recent VHeadline.com report, Negroponte stamps on US-Venezuela Valentine Day rapprochement, Negroponte expresses that, "if Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias wins elections in December, then the opposition will sink into oppression."
Negroponte, what is your problem?
It was the US-financed Venezuelan opposition who, all by themselves, retreated from the December 2005 National Assembly elections ... scurrying away like frightened rats ... and sinking into their own self-created "oppression." They basically backstabbed themselves. Chavez is not or has not oppressed any part of the Venezuelan opposition.
* If they can't win votes, there must be reason, no? Think about it.
It isn't Chavez' fault that they cannot win the votes they need or desire! If they retreat from the upcoming presidential elections (December 2006), it will just go to show that they are solely responsible, as usual, for their miserable (but deserved) fate.
He then asserts, " ... The Venezuelan President ... is prepared to use his control over the National Assembly (AN) and other institutions to continue restricting the opposition, press freedoms ... 'the measures are technically legal but restrict democracy.' "
What is Negroponte talking about?
What restrictions on the opposition?
What restrictions on "press freedom?"
As usual, coming from the frothing mouths of the rabid monotrons who drone their way through the US government system, Negroponte, former US ambassador to IRAQ (!) and now head of US intelligence (the CIA director reports to him!), provides no verifiable examples of what he means. The fact is that there is no restriction of freedom of the press in Venezuela. I challenge anyone out there to provide one single example of such flagrant and irresponsible accusations or insinuations. Hey, sounds like Iraq all over again ... lies, lies, lies ... and no proof or evidence whatsoever...
Great intelligence work, fellas!
And ... restrict democracy? What does he mean? How does Chavez or any of the laws approved by the elected National Assembly constitute a restriction of democracy, in any sense of the word? Negroponte's words are absurd, in the true sense of the word: so clearly untrue or unreasonable as to be laughable or ridiculous (Webster's New World Dictionary, 1988).
Negroponte, along with Condoleezza Rice, Bush, Otto Reich and the rest of the US government's liars are an embarrassment to the people of the USA.
* How can the people of the USA allow such ruthless liars to lead their country. If this continues, these "leaders" will lead the people of the USA into oblivion, and a very messy one at that.
Lies such as theirs should not be permitted ... but, hey, lying is not a crime in the "value" system of the grand USA ... just as assassinating innocent women and children in the name of the white God of the USA is not a crime. In some parts of the USA, it is a criminal offense for two teenagers, if one is under 16 years of age, to make love ... but owning guns and making, selling and buying violent video games for your children is not a crime.
I am absolutely sure that Negroponte and the rest of the anti-Chavez movement will never provide readers with any examples of what it is they truly mean with regard to their statements. Where are the examples? Where are the explanations? The dates, the numbers, the facts? We already know that the criminal US invasion of Iraq lacked (and still lacks) all facts, examples or verifiable information to justify the criminal US aggression against an innocent population.

Are we now to believe the blood-covered words of the fork-tongued monobots from the US government's drone-incubation machine? Does Negroponte and his cronies think that the people of the USA are that stupid? That they will again fall into the IRAQ-trap of believing what they say?
(I just thought about something ... these people, Rice, Negroponte, etc., probably make hefty salaries! They actually get paid to lie. The better a liar you are, the more money you can make? Great career choice ... great example for your children! Here son, let me teach you how to become amongst the best liars in the world. This will guarantee you a top government job ... and if you are a good enough liar, you could even aspire to become president of our great country!)
VHeadline.com reports, "The Intelligence director says he believes that Chavez Frias' objective is to undermine US influence in the region and unify Latin America under his leftwing Bolivarian ideology. "
Oh! What a pity! Chavez wants to undermine US influence in the region? Too bad, Negroponte! Too bad! US influence should be eradicated from the face of the earth ... it is poison, a cancer, a morbid pool of blood-covered body parts masquerading as a happy democracy. US influence should be challenged, not only in Venezuela, but throughout the entire world.
* The world does not need the USA!
* The world does not want the USA!
Can't they get the message through their depleted uranium craniums?
If the USA were truly democratic, they would hold a world referendum on this question ... and I guarantee you that they would only muster about 20% true support. If they were democratic, they would abide by the results of a worldwide referendum which would tell the USA, with at least 60% world support, "Get out, go home ... and stay home. We don't need nor want you."
As long as people like Negroponte, Rice, and the rest of those cold-blooded creatures continue to spit out their lies and their words of aggression, we will continue to throw their words back at them ... asking for examples, explanations and verifiable information to support their mindless rhetoric! Go home and stay home, tend to your lovely flowers.
Hey, while you are at it, spread some human-remains-based fertilizer on them ... you should have plenty at your disposal.
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