March 27, 2006

45,000-strong British journalists' union praises new media in Venezuela

by Rob Sewell
The annual delegate conference of the National Union of Journalists, meeting in Liverpool, once again yesterday pledged “its solidarity with all those in Venezuela who are resisting American imperialism and building a society orientated towards socialism."

The 45,000-strong union, the most important body of journalists in Britain, gave its support to the solidarity work of the Hands Off Venezuela campaign and agreed to the

1) building of links with the UNT trade unions,

2) promoting the gains made by the Venezuela workers,

3) publicizing the union’s opposition to any interference by the USA in Venezuelan internal affairs.

The motion which came from the Book branch of the union was moved by Sylvia Courtnage and seconded by Steve Jones, both of whom outlined the successes of the Chavez government and the need for the union to maintain its position of solidarity with Venezuela.

The annual conference also welcomed the launching of Vive TV and Telesur “in an effort by the Venezuelan people to counteract US sponsored misinformation across Latin America and as a vehicle to extend education, culture, arts and progressive ideas throughout the continent.”

This resolution, submitted by the London Central branch, was seconded by journalist Ian Bruce from the BBC. He praised the new media in Venezuela in its efforts to provide an alternative viewpoint to the opposition-dominated media.

The resolution went on to instruct the National Executive to build solidarity with and send messages of support to these new broadcasting bodies.

Once again, British journalists have sided with the revolution in Venezuela. Hopefully this growing support will become increasingly reflected in the British media.


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