January 05, 2006

The Horror Continues in Colombia


Saravena, state of Arauca, Colombia - 15 December 2005

Translated by Maximillian Shen of Colombia Support Network (CSN)

The Regional Foundation Group of Human Rights ³Joel Sierra², denounces, repudiates and rejects the following events to the organizations of justice and control of Colombia, the media, and both governmental and non governmental organizations.

1. On 14 December 2005 at approximately 4:30 p.m. a teacher named Angel Manuel Perez Tobar was murdered in the town of El Oasis, in the Arauquita municipality. He worked as a teacher at the school in the town of Santa Ana.

2. On the evening of December 10 a cattle seller named Gonzalo Ochoa Castro was shot to death while helping out at an alcoholics anonymous meeting in downtown Saravena.

3. On December 9 a nurse named Derly Cecilia Goyeeche Garcia was murdered in the municipality of Tame. The murder of Mrs. Garcia and the injuries caused to 10 civilians were blamed on armed opposition groups. With this attack the Medical Mission once again became victims in the armed conflict.

4. On December 8 at approximately 4 p.m. Pablo Elias Estrada was murdered at his home in Arauquita after being shot twice.

5. In the morning hours of December 1 in the Fortul municipality, a woman named Maria Magdalena Florez was shot to death.

6. On November 30 Mr. Adolfo Socha Monzalbe was shot to death in the town of Salivon, which is also in Fortul.

Select killings continue to happen in Saravena, which is one of the most militarized areas in Colombia. Since the beginning of this current government the area has been called an experiment in ³Democratic Security² and has been depicted as a supposedly recovered area from the guerrillas.

We ask, how many murders must there be before a humanitarian and social crisis is declared and steps are taken to help the situation?

We demand that the Colombian Government investigate and punish those responsible for these crimes.

Our social actions are legitimate and legal.
In defense of life, human rights, and our lands.
The Regional Foundation Group of Human Rights ³Joel Sierra²
(La Fundación Comité Regional de Derechos Humanos ³Joel Sierra²)

Please write to your Senators and Representatives and the Secretary of State asking them to stop military aid to Colombia. Write also to the enlisted Colombian authorities to investigate and punish those responsible for these crimes. Ask them how come these killings of civilians happen in a heavily militarized region?

Your Senators and Representatives. See our website www.colombiasupport.net

Condoleeza Rice . See www.state.gov

Ambassador to Colombia Mr. William Wood AmbassadorB@ state.gov

President Alvaro Uribe : auribe@presidencia.gov.co

Vice-president Francisco Santos: fsantos@presidencia.gov.co

Attorney General Mario Iguaran : contacto@fiscalia.gov.co, denuncie@fiscalia.gov.co

Procurador General Edgardo Maya: webmaster@procuraduria.gov.co cap@procuraduria.gov.co,reygon@procuraduria.gov.co


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