January 29, 2006

Banned BBC Bush Election Footage Americans Aren’t Allowed To See, by Rickwrites

Whether or not one believes a single word of absolutely anything emanating from anyone, anywhere within the current US maladministration isn’t really important right now.

But this is important.

This shows the shocking but true state of the current neo-con maladministration’s American nation. Watch it and weep. Then ask not for whom the bell tolls — for it tolls for thee

This is a banned BBC video/documentary by made Greg Palast which Americans are not [officially] allowed to see.

But thanks to one of Richard and This Old Brit’s finest fellow bloggers, courageous cyber patriot and fearless, truth telling kindred spirit Tom Rushen — today things are different. Damned different.

For a full fourteen minutes and more, censorship itself is censored. Which means both the the Bush brothers and their larger controlling cabal can be shown up for the shady, scary SOBs they actually are.

The fact is that together they helped to pull off the greatest heist in history.

With the encouragement, connivance, financing, backing and blessings of the real [corporate criminal] powers that be, the Bush brothers helped see to it that the United States of America — was stolen from it’s citizens.

Yep. It was that plain & simple. Stolen.

Okay, enough preamble already. Bugger any more big build up. Why are we wasting time waffling ?

Go right now to Tom Rushen’s ‘Current Era’ blog.

Then like we said earlier, since it’s well worth repeating - watch the banned BBC block-buster — and weep. And afterwards, ask not for whom the bell tools, for it tolls for thee.

Incidentally, thanking Tom Rushen for his tireless work would be greatly appreciated. Of that, This Old Brit is certain.

Perhaps paying some attention to his ‘Depleted Uranium’ video piece would prove extremely enlightening too. Of that, Tom tells us he is certain.


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