For more than 50 years, shadowy government agencies have supressed
information about extraterrestrials and the use of E.T. technology.
In 1998 Dr. Steven M. Greer resigned his post as Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Caldwell Memorial Hospital in North Carolina to spend all his time and energy on exposing a massive corporate-government coverup of extraterrestrial contact that's been kept under wraps for decades. Why does this matter? It's not so much the dozens of deceased aliens secreted at Fort Huachuca in Arizona, Greer says, or even the supersecret radionic technology that took the life of his assistant and two colleagues and nearly killed him. It's not even the prototypes of UFOs that roam the Southwest's friendly skies, looking so much like real E.T. craft that it's hard to tell the difference. (Your tax dollars at work.)
What's important, Greer insists, is that if the government came clean with what it knows about E.T. technology, we could upgrade the planet. Not only would we wean ourselves off oil and other fossil fuels, but we could scrap nuclear power and implement clean, cheap, safe energy that any country or culture could afford. One problem: That might weaken or topple the corporate-government power structure that controls our fuel and energy systems, mass-produces war weapons and keeps a light rein on the global economy. So how to shine a light on a shadowy consortium that promotes war while fostering scarcity, making gas prices astronomic?
Based in Crozet, Virginia, Greer's Disclosure Project has convinced hundreds of insiders, including military brass and CIA ops, to defy nondisclosure pacts. They've coughed up documents (some still classified) and signed testimonials. Greer's got it all -- in fact, he gave Peter Jennings's producers access to these bombshell revelations for the ABC special on UFOs that aired last spring. But, as the good doctor found out, you can't give this stuff to the mainstream media and expect it to air on prime time. "They won't let us do it," a senior producer told Greer by phone. "I said,'Who's They?'" Greer recalls. "And he said 'Dr. Greer, you know who they are.' And click, he hung up."
So why not get these documents to the President of the United States? Been there, done that. "Hillary and Bill spent hours poring over them," Greer claims a close friend of the Clintons reported, adding that when Clinton took office, he wanted two questions answered: Who killed Jack Kennedy? and What's going on with the UFOs? It didn't take long for Clinton to realize, says Greer's friend, that he had a much better chance of completing his term if he followed his own "Don't ask, don't tell" policy.
In 2001, Greer held a press conference at which many witnesses came forward, but it was eclipsed by 9/11. Since then he's gathered more insiders willing to reveal what the government won't. So if you're tired of holding hands with the Saudis, or you think it's time Earthlings had access to that cool, antigravity technology that allows UFOs to dodge our weapons (most of the time), check out DisclosureProject.org.
"It's about your pocketbook, not about little green men," says Greer, who wants to replace fossil fuel and nuclear power with the advanced energy systems used by E.T.'s. Where do you get that? "Just ask the government,"Greer replies. "They've had it for 50 years."
Washington may not want to listen, but we certainly do.
Why are these programs kept secret?
Fossil fuel and the nuclear power industries would be made redundant by these technologies that very elegantly extract energy from the quantum vacuum, or "zero point" energy field. We have a $7 trillion part of the world economy dealing with fossil fuels and conventional transportation. If this information comes out - aside from people realizing that we're not alone in the universe - they'll quickly see that we don't need oil, coal or central utilities. It's all about maintaining the homeostasis and status quo of the world macro-economic and power dynamic.
How would zero-point energy transform the global economy?
It would replace everything. You wouldn't need oil, but the $30 trillion-a-year global economy would quickly grow to $200 trillion because there'd be clean, sustainable energy, and manufacturing and transportation would be very inexpensive. Eighty percent of the world's population lives in amazing poverty, and it would lift that. It would revolutionize the planet. People talk about the "peace dividend," but it's time for a "space dividend."
Who's hiding these advanced energy systems from the public?
The entity that runs this stuff is the world's largested RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization]. They used to be called MJ - Majestic - 12 - but the last term I heard was PI-40. It's not one society. There are sweeping conspiracy theories about the Masons, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission and Counsel of Foreign Relations. I know people in all these entities, and most of them couldn't find their ass in a well-lighted room. It's much more prosaic and nuanced than that.
Why do they feel threatened?
It would decentralize power. Right now the centralized financial and oil system is so integrated with the way the world runs. We have testimony about what the agenda is from people who've been on the inside.
Who's in this covert group?
There's a committee of 200 to 300 people who are on the policy board for this issue. Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, who went from head of the National Security Agency to the board of SAIC - which is one of the crown jewels of this covert entity - is a member. So is Admiral Harry Trane. George Bush Sr., Cheney and Rumsfeld are involved, as is the Liechtenstein banking family. The Mormon corporate empire has an enormous interest in this subject; they have much more power than the White house or the Pentagon over this issue. And there are secret cells withing the Vatican.
Have you met with any of these people?
There are factions within this group, and I've met with some of the "good guys." People think that it's a monolithic conspiracy, but they're wrong. About 40% to 50% of people involved in these supersecret projects want this stuff out. They know we're running out of oil, China is industrializing, and the polar ice caps are melting. And they know that if this [advanced E.T. technology] was announced today, it would take ten to 20 years to get it into widespread application to avert an economic, strategic, geopolitical and environmental
catastrophe. They see that and want to fix it, but they're still a minority. They're more enlightened, but it's the ruthless ones who rule.
Was CIA Director William Colby involved at some point? Was his "accidental" death in 1996 connected to your work?
Bill Colby was defecting from the supersecret group, and he was assassinated because he was going to transfer some hard technologies - operating devices - and $50 million in funding to us. He knew that with my kind of willpower and connections, I would have gotten that out to the world. He was found floating down the Potomac River the week he was going to meet with my closest friend. They made an example of him.
In fact, Colby's best friend, a colonel who set up the meeting, said it was absolutely a hit. Even his wife said on CNN, "You know, it was strange, because he would never go out canoeing in a flooded, rain-swollen Potomac River at night and leave the house open and the coffeemaker and the computer on. That's not like Bill Colby at all."
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