Online Works of Howard Zinn
Excepts from books written by Zinn:
- Third World Traveler - featuring excerpts from a large number of Zinn's books and essays.
- Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress - the first chapter of A People's History of the United States.
- Drawing the Color Line - the second chapter of A People's History of the United States.
- The Ludlow Massacre - an excerpt from pages 346-349 of A People's History, which I think is chapter 13 or 14.
- A People's War? - the sixteenth chapter of A People's History.
- The Clinton Presidency and the Crisis of Democracy - The latest chapter in The Twentieth Century.
- Going South - the first chapter of You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, Zinn's autobiography. Courtesy of ZNet.
- The Modern Era of Law - from Declarations of Independence.
- Introduction to Law and Order: a Chapter on Civil Disobedience - from Declarations of Independence.
- The Uses of Scholarship - an excerpt from The Zinn Reader: Writings on Civil Disobedience and Democracy.
Essays and other miscellany by Zinn:
- Two essays on the Sept. 11 attacks and their aftermath:
- Timothy McVeigh's Path to the Death Chamber
- Academic Freedom: Collaboration and Resistance - the transcript of a speech given by Zinn to the University of Cape Town on July 23, 1982.
- Howard Zinn's ZNet HomePage - a treasure trove of interesting articles and essays by Zinn. This page contains links to some of the articles and essays on the ZNet site.
- A Campaign Without Class - a piece about the lack of class warfare in the 2000 US residential election.
- Campaign 2000: The Silence Of The Candidates Is What I Want To Talk About - an article about the silence of Presidential candidates on pressing international problems.
- The Diverted Left - a fairly dated piece about leftists complicated relationship with Clinton appearing on a message board in February 1999.
- The Federal Bureau of Intimidation - an essay about the harassment tactics of the FBI.
- Columbus and Western Civilization - an essay about what Columbus Day means. This is not the same as the first chapter of A People's History of the United States.
- Lessons of Vietnam, - an essay about how bad war is, as the Vietnam War demonstrates.
- A Speech on the Dec. 98 Bombing of Iraq
- A Diplomatic Solution - Zinn's take on Kosovo, dated May 1999, printed in The Progressive.
- A Few Points on the Kosovo Situation - some comments by Zinn published on ZNet, dated April 5, 1999.
- Kosovo: Where are We Headed? - A series of quotes about the situation in Kosovo, dated April 1999.
- Emmarabilia: A Testimonial by Howard Zinn - A short commentary on the life of Emma Goldman, about whom Zinn wrote a play.
- People Still Have Power - Excerpts from a short speech by Howard Zinn about how the establishment isn't as powerful as you might think.
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