August 28, 2005

The War in Context rides on one of the subtler and less-noted democratizing forces spawned by the Web; it allows background to become foreground. While the voices heard here are primarily those of the full-time hacks who report the news or get paid for talking about it, they have been unleashed from the control of timid editors who frequently bury these stories or opinions deep on the inside pages.

Balance and counterbalance"Balanced reporting" is one of the sacred cows of American journalism. The War in Context makes no claim to provide balance. On the contrary, its purpose is to provide counterbalance. When George Bush launched his "war on terrorism," he had no trouble enlisting uncritical support from almost every editorial desk in America. In response to this imbalance, The War in Context (along with various other dissenting outlets inside and outside the U.S.) challenges the Bush administration:-- by refusing to accept the assertion that "you are either with us or against us in the fight against terror"-- by refusing to accept the claim that the motives of the 9-11 terrorists can be explained by simply saying that "they hate our freedom"-- by challenging the belief that war can eradicate terrorism.


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