Nonviolence.Org is an entirely virtual new media organization. It was started by one person—-me, Martin Kelley—-in my home office in 1995. Almost eight years later, it’s won accolades and attention from the mainstream media but has remained largely invisible to progressive foundations and much of the old peace movement.
The past eight years have seen countless “New Media” projects burst on the scene only to wither away. Yet continues without any funding, attracting a larger audience every year. As the years have gone by and I’ve found the strength to continue it, I’ve realized more and more that this is a ministry. As a member of the Religious Society of Friends I’m committed to spreading the good news that war is unnecessary. In my personal life this is a matter of faith in the “power that takes away occassion for all war.” In my work with I also draw on all the practical and pragmatic reasons why war is wrong.
The past eight years have seen countless “New Media” projects burst on the scene only to wither away. Yet continues without any funding, attracting a larger audience every year. As the years have gone by and I’ve found the strength to continue it, I’ve realized more and more that this is a ministry. As a member of the Religious Society of Friends I’m committed to spreading the good news that war is unnecessary. In my personal life this is a matter of faith in the “power that takes away occassion for all war.” In my work with I also draw on all the practical and pragmatic reasons why war is wrong.
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