May 20, 2005

Military Families Speak Out

Press Advisory
May 20, 2005

Contact: Ryan Fletcher 202-641-0277 Nancy Lessin 617-320-5301

Military Families Speak Out About Recruiting Practices:

Families say “Examine the Real Problem - Call for A Stand-Down on the War in Iraq!

WASHINGTON, D.C. - On Friday, May 20, 2005 the Army is holding a one-day nationwide halt to recruiting, to allow reflection on proper recruiting practices and on how to ensure recruiters are using ethical methods of recruiting. Military families with loved ones who have been recruited, and who have served or are serving in Iraq, or who have died as a result of the war in Iraq, say the Army's public relations activities of May 20th will not solve the problem of illegal, immoral and unethical recruiting practices. The fundamental problem is that recruiters are required to sign up new recruits for an illegal, immoral and unethical war that is itself based on lies. The Army's 'stand-down' will focus attention on a 'few bad apple' recruiters and, if anything, a need for 'more training.' But recruiters have been given the job of selling a bad product, and are being placed under intense pressure to increase their sales. Bad recruiting practices are the inevitable result. Instead of playing PR games, Military Families Speak Out calls on the Army, the other branches of the military, the Bush Administration and Congress to call a stand-down on the war.


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