April 23, 2005


Our country's strength flows from its willingness to innovate and improve upon the American experiment. Our generation must continue this tradition through achieving greater inclusiveness in the political process, unfettered access to the right to vote and fairer electoral systems. Founded in this spirit in 1992, FairVote seeks elections that promote voter turnout, fair representation, inclusive policy and meaningful choices. As a catalyst for electoral reforms such as instant runoff voting, proportional representation, direct election of the president and automatic voter registration, we conduct research, analysis, education and organizing to ensure all Americans can exercise their right to vote and elect representatives who reflect our racial and political diversity.

FairVote has six program areas: the Political Empowerment Project (reforms to represent racial and political diversity, in particular full representation voting methods); IRV America (supporting majority winners, meaningful choices and better campaigns through instant runoff voting); Voting and Democracy Research Center (research and analysis of our elections through the lens of our goals for elections); Election Services Group (consulting on electoral systems, with a focus on non-governmental elections); and the Democracy USA initiative (creating a stronger, more strategic network of national and state pro-democracy advocates that can nimbly pursue a comprehensive reform agenda). We pursue special initiatives, including an effort being launched this spring in support of direct election of the president.


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